Chapter 14:This Is Business, And Your Lucky I Won't Kill you.

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Chapter 14:This Is Business,Wow My Wife Is Sexy And Your Lucky I Won't Kill you.

Clare Edwards held her head as she tryed to get rid of the dizzyness that she was suddenly getting used to and looked around to see she was back in her and Eli's room. She quickly found the laptop and changed her clothes into a gray tanktop,black skinnie jeans and a leather jacket putting her hair in a tight bun. She wasn't playing anymore,this woman had her child,she knew were he was and she was about to actually kill her Imogen if she had to. A mothers rage over her child is never pretty as she took her blade and hid it in the side of her sock.

(Downstairs With Eli and EveryBody.)

Everyone became quiet as as the videochat came on and Imogen popped up,and she instantly smiled at Eli. Imogen:(Smiling)Hey Eli,How are you? Eli:(Swallows the lump in his throat diagusted with her and himself for what he's about to say.)I'm Good Baby. Imogen:(Gushing)Awww you gave me a cute nickname already. Eli:(Smirks)Of Course You wanna be with me and I wanna be with you why not? Imogen:(Smiles)Ok,Well I'm coming then I'll see you at your house then. Eli:(Confused,shocked face before quickly hiding it.)Why don't I just come to you? Cause Clare is asleep here and I don't want her to know yet. Imogen:(Angry)Fine Tomorrow Night come me,I'll videochat and call you tomorrow Eli. (She blew him a kiss through the screen.) Eli:(Grimacing quietly hoping she don't see it.)Ok Imo. wher-(Someone's Phone in the room began to vibrate and Eli suddenly looked up and around the room to see it was Alli's phone ringing and she mouth sorry before running up the stairs to answer it.) Imogen:(Suspicious)Who's Phone was that? It was a girls ringtone? Eli:(Twiddling with his thumb)It was Clare's phone,she left it downstairs and a co-worker called so I ansered it. Imogen:(raises an eyebrow at him weirdly)But you never moved from that Spot Eli,so how could-Eli wasn't listening,his whole body went into shock as he saw His wife Clare come through the door behind Imogen like a whole nother person behind her and with Alli dressed in all black with her hair in a high ponytail. He gulped at his wife,she's never looked so ravishing to him in his life even though she was beautiful to him in every way possible nomatter what she did. She looked down right sexy in all the black and her hair. He gulped nervously again as a problem grew in his pants at the sight of her. He heard Adam whisper to him across the room. ''Whats wrong?'' and before he could say anything he saw Clare grab Imogen by the arm and turn her around punching her right in the jaw. His mouth opened wide in shock,his wife was a scraper as he saw some of Imogens blood on Clare's hand from her jaw and she instantly smirked. Eli motioned for everyone to come over and they all gaped at the screen in surprise and shock.

(With Clare,Imogen,and Alli)

Imogen:(Yelling)WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU FAT COW? Clare:(Smiks and laughs menacingly at her)Ha very funny,you physco who's been ran through to many times to count. (Clare looked at Alli)Go find Elijah Jr. He's In the back were the party was that night of the highschool dance and Alli ran off and Nodded.)Imogen:(Groans pissed off and smiles evily)You know I've also been ran through your husband two. Clare:(Glares at her before punching her in the face again and twisting her arm around,pushing her against the wall. Pulls her blade out of her sock putting it up to her neck.) A little boys voice starts yelling ''Momwmwy'' and Clare immediately turns around and her eyes widen as tears sting her eyes. She quickly hides the blade in her hand. Clare:Hey babyboy Mommy needs for you to go with auntie Allie for a couple of minutes. Elijah Jr:(Frowns)But Mommy what are you doing and will you,be okay? Clare:(Frowns then smiles alittle)Mommy Will Be just fine babyboy go with auntie Alli,please. Allie:(Takes Elijah Jr's Hand and looks at Clare worried)Clare please don't do anything you'll regret,think about this before you do it. I love you,Elijah Jr loves you. Everyone does....Eli loves you. We all need you. Clare:(Nods)I Love you two Alli and I love you two babyboy. I love all of you and don't worry I'll be careful. Let Eli know I love him two and I forgive him. Now go. (Alli nods with tears in her eyes before grabbing Elijah Jr in her arms and running out the door they came in.) Imogen:(Flips Clare over onto the floor on her back taking the blade fron her hand and holding it above her head with two hands ready to aim it down into Clare's chest.)Any last words before you die slut? Clare:(Smirks)Yea by bitch. Imogen:(Confused) (Clare punches Imogen in the gut and kicks her off the top of her causing Imogen to go flying across the room as Clare watches Imogen hold her stomach on the floor in pain couching up blood. Clare gets up and slowly walks towards her taking her gun out the back of her pants and holds it above her and aims the gun at her as Clare stares at her with a disgusted face. Clare:You know I could kill you. I do have the rage for it right now,especially sense you fuckin slept with my husband and touched my babyboy. I have enough anger to kill you with my bare hands. Your-(Clare suddenly felt two hands,one on each side of her and she knew who it was instantly but her eyes never left Imogen who was cowering in fear.) Julia:(Whispering)Clare calm down,I know she messed with Elijah Jr but you have to calm down. JT:(Whispering in her other ear)Julia's right Clarw,Don' harm her. That'll only get you time in the pin which would not be good because you have to take care of Eli and Elijah Jr. I know you love them both,so put the gun down and just tie her up or something. Julia:(rolls eyes)Seriously JT,thats your solution for this? Always trying to tie someone up,how childish can you get. JT:(Rolls eyes back at her)Childish,this isn't a childish antic or prank. This girl need to atleast be tied up so she can't get away. Clare tie her up and when the police get here,tell them to search her whole house even her secret basement. Clare:(Raises an eyebrow at him in question.) JT:(Sighs deeply before taking the gun from her hand and placing duct tape in it)Go On. (Clare nods and drags Imogen taping her into the raggedy chair in the middle of the room righly on her hands and feet to the chair so she couldn't escape. Clare sighed deeply in exhaustion and looked up to see Julia and JT smiling at her nodding in respect and satisfaction. Clare smiled back before she snapped her finger and they both disappeared as she waited for the police to get there keeping a close,cautious eyes on Imogen before she changed her mind and decided to kill her if she tried anything funny.

Ok guys there's Chapter 14,Give me feedback and tell me what you think please. Good or not? Should I continue or stop...?....pleae let me know My lovely followers...:)....

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