Chapter 18:Chapter 18:This Girl's A Bipolar Bitch and Sisterly Bonding!!!!!!

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Chapter 18:This Girl's A Bipolar Bitch and Sisterly Bonding!!!!!!

Clare Goldsworthy woke up groaning and groggily feeling like a ton of bricks have hit her. As she woke up,she jumped alittle as Jt and Julia were in her face as she screamed alittle before JT covered her mouth with his hand.

Julia:(puts finger to lips)Shhh!!!! JT is going to remove his hand but you have to be quiet okay. Clare:(nods as Jt removes his hand)Ok,what the hell Is going on here? (Clare try's to get up but her arms and ankles are restraint)What the hell? Jt:(looks at Clare curiously)Clare,you don't remember anything at the hospital? Clare:(confused)No,what ha-(Clare stops as she looks around at the area's she's in and gasps) Ok why the hell am I at Degrassi,and how'd I get all the way back in canada?

Clare shut her mouth as she seen a figure come into the room with her,with pigtails and a gym bag. Clare:(whispers towards JT and Julia)What are they doing? Julia:Clare it's Imogen,she's got something up her sleeve again. We need to get you out of here! Clare:(whispers)Well can't you guys just cut me out of here or-Clare cuts herself off as she see's Imogen turning around with a sadistic smile on her face holding a knife.

Clare swallowed weakly and watched in shock as JT and Julia disappeared without a word. She looked back at Imogen with a pissed off expression. Clare:(glares)Ok Imogen what the hell do you want inorder to leave us alone? Imogen:(Sarcasm sweet voice)Oh Clare,Dear sweet Clare,All I want is Eli and your free to go. Clare:(Glares)Imogen he wouldnt touch you with a 10 ft. Pole. Imogen:(Laughs)Sweetie he already has. (Clares blood began to boil as she gritted her teeth in pure anger as fire went through her eyes.) Clare:Imogen you are a-Imogen:(Glares)Are A what Edwards!? (She asked chuckling darkly as she came near Clare,tracing the knife across her face gently as Clare's anger grew and she glared at Imogen through gritted teeth.)Clare:(Glaring)IMO-Yes Clareabell?"Imogen finished smiling darkly as she cut alittle of Clare's cheek as a blood dripped from her cheek and Imogen licked it off) Imogen:(Smiling Darkly)Oh Clareabell isn't this fun? You beg for Mercy or no!? Clare:(Glaring still)NO I WILL NEVER BEG FOR MERCY FROM THE LIKES OF YOU OR ANYBODY FOR THAT MATTE-(Clare was struck across the face from a slap from Imogen.) Imogen:(Angry)YOU DISOBEDIENT TRAMP OF A-(Imogen was cut off by a knock on the door from upstairs.) Imogen:(Rolls Eye's)Thats Just great another girl scout probably wanting to buy some cookies. (Smiles cheekly)Oh wait,maybe they have mint chocolate chip,yummy. I'll be back,Don't go anywhere Clareabell. (Imogen ran upstairs,closing the door behind her.)

Clare:(Glaring at the door Imogen just went out of)Bipolar bitch! (Clare gasps as she felt another hand cover her mouth and look in relief to see her sister Darcy as confusin took over her features)Darce what are you doing here? I thought you were still in Africa. Darcy:(Puts finger to her lips)Imogen can hear us down here Clare,but for right now im going to untie,ok. Clare:(Nods as Darcy removes her hand)Mom told me what was going on and this is nuts,wanting your fiance and taking your son,I heard you almost killed her after beating the crap out of,nice job spitfire. Clare:(Nods and laughs alittle quietly)Ok thanks Darce but we need to get out of here,so please untie me. Darcy:(Nods and begins to unties Clare's hands and Ankles)I can't believe this girl,stoop to such lengths just for Eli. Clare:(Looks at Darcy angrily). Darcy:(Puts hands up in air as like "I Surrender". Clare thats not what I meant,I meant after everything you two have and your son Clare. Clare:(Sighs and runs her hand through her hair nodding before picking up a pocket knife off the table and sticking it in her bra)its ok,just dont talk about my husband like that sis,Darce I've been through alot in the past 3 Days,you have no idea. How did you know I was here anyway? Darcy:To be honest I have no idea but it was weird like two voices kept telling me to come here because they said they couldnt help you for the time being and wouldnt be able to till tomorrow,it was quite freaky to be honest and please do.not think im losing my mind. Clare:(Laughs alittle)It's ok,I think I know the two voices you were talking about,it's ok. Darcy:(Confused)You do? Clare:(Nods)Yes,im glad they went and got my sister though,I need you the most right now. Darcy:(Hugs Clare as Clare hugs back)It's okay sis,I'm back and I'm ready to meet everyone when w-(She was cut off as the door flew open and a person was coming down the steps.) Darcy hid underneath the table while Clare slid back into the chair acting like she was tied up again as Imogen came back eating cookies with that sickly smile on her face turning to Clare.

Imogen:Ahh! Being obediant now aren't we Clareabell,now thats all you have to do to and it'll be alot easier here for you,oh were are my manners,(Imogen puts a cookie towards Clare)Wanna cookie? There Mint chocolate chip. Clare:(Shakes head clentching jaw alittle)No thank you Imo. Imogen:(Sighs,then smiles)Thats alrite you'll have to eat eventually,even i know that Iv is gonna were off,thats probably why you wont eat because your full. Next time you refused Ill force it down your throat. You know what,eh screw it I'll do it now. (Imogen smashe's the cookies all over Clare's face)Eat Clare,Eat it and like you little slut.

Clare got up and grabbed Imogen by the neck and slammed her against the table,were all the knifes were. Clare pulled out the pocket knife from her bra and held it against Imogens Neck. Clare:(Smirks)Imo how do you like that? The medal against your neck,can you taste it. You pysocatic freak! (Darcy kicked Imogen in her legs as she came from underneath the table and stared at Clare inshock,she wasn't that little girl she left to go to kenya in Africa when she was 13,this girl was strong,this girl wasn't a girl. Clare Edwards was a woman and has been one for a very long time. Clare:(looks At Darcy)Darce get the chair and rope. (Darcy nodded,as Clare brought Imogen to the chair and tied her hands and feet as she tryed wriggling her way out of Clare's grip only for Clare to strike her as Imogen did to her before and whimper in pain.) Clare:(Glares)Should of though about that earlier before you slapped me,you pysocpathetic bitch! (Clare slapped her again)That's For Eli. (Slapped again)That's For My Son Elijah Jr. (Slapped again and punched harder)That's For Me. (Darcy grabbed Clare as she seen Clare wouldn't stop beating the crap out of her. Darcy also tied up her hands after.

Clare pulled her phone out of her pocket and there was no signal. Clare:(sighs in frustrastion and relief alittle bit)Darce there's no signal down here,I have to go upstairs to make a phonecall. Watch Imogen ok? Darcy:(Nods)Go ahead Clarebear.

(Clare walks upstairs opening the door and looks up closing the door behind her and gasps inshock at what she was seeing right infront of her eyes-....Dun,Dun,Dun. Ok guys i am so sorry for making you guys wait this long for "Chapter 18". I actually wrote mostly thia chapter today and in sick...blahhh. please comment let me know what you think if I should continue or not? What you liked,what you didn't like? Just please let me know If I should continue or not!!!????

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