Chapter 15:I Knew She Was Obsessed and I'm So Very Sorry Beautiful.

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Chapter 15:I Knew She Was Obsessed and I'm So Very Sorry Beautiful.

Clare looked up from Imogen as a door busted open and sighed deeply and softly in relief as she saw the head of police walk in with his squad and his eyes instantly widened as he saw his daughter covered in blood,tied to a chair and his eyes moved to clare holding the tape in her hands. Chief:(InShock)Clare Goldsworthy? What are you doing here? Did You Do This Mess? Did You tie up my daughter? (Clare imediately stands up and looks at Imogen,then her father and steps infront of him so there face to face with an emotionless face.) Clare:(Monotone)Your Daughter Kidnapped mine and Eli's Son. I had to take actions into my own hands and if you don't believe me check your house and her room. Cheif:(Raises an eyebrow at Clare and turns to Imogen and rips off the tape.)You know your infatuation with that boy is fuckin crazy leave him and his family alone. (He looked towards his squad.) Chief:Go check Imogen's room now,I need evidence. (He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.)Imogen Your my daughter and I love you but you need to get help,I'm sorry. (Clare watched as The Chief of police handcuffed his daughter and the sight actually broke her heart because she knew he was just doing his job and it must of killed him to do that to his only daughter.) Chief:(Talking to Imogen)Do You have any words to say to Mrs.Goldsworthy Imo? Imogen:(Glares and smiles evily)YEA ELI'S MINE STAY AWAY FROM HI-Chief puts the tape back over her mouth. Chief:(Rolls Eyes)I apologize Mrs.Goldsworthy for and this. (An officer comes around and puts handcuffs on Clare and brings her outside.) Chief:(To the officer holding Clare.)She needs medical attention first before you bring her down to the station for questioning. Bring her to the hospital. (Clare's put in the police car and tooken to the hospital to get checked out to see if she was severly injured.)

(In Eli and Clare's House With Everybody Else.)

Dallas:(Mouth wide open)Dude no disrespect but your wife is so badass and hot. Eli:(still Inshock and swallow weakly)No-ne taken Dallas. We need to go to the Hospital,everybody pack up your things. (Everybody packed up there things and got in there cars riding there way to the hospital. As soon as they got to the hospital,Eli and everybody else runs to the front desk. Its the same girl Clare almost beat the crap out of and Alli told off as soon as she saw Eli,she instantly smiled.

Woman at desk:(Smiling)Hi mrs.Goldsworthy what may I do for you this lovely night? Eli:(RollsEyes)What room is wife in? Woman at desk:(Frowns)Ugh Mrs.Goldsworthy I Don't see why you waste your time with that ugly slut. Eli:(Eyes widen alittle before he gets angry.)First of all,don't you ever talk about my wife that way,your the one who probably got a thousand std's. NOW TELL ME WHAT ROOM MY WIFE IS IN BEFORE I MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR JOB YOU SKANK. (Everyone stares at him wide-eye'd as the womans mouth drops and she slowly pulls up the room on the computer closing her mouth,shaking alittle.)Woman at desk:(Stuttering)Ro-om 203 (Everyone nodded and ran to that room busting through there doors and the first thing Eli heard was ''Daddwy''Come through his ears and his eyes moved around the room franctically to see Elijah Jr in the hospital bed beside Clare with Alli sitting in the bed next to Clare with tears in her eyes. Eli immediately ran to Elijah Jr and jumped into his dad's arms hugging him for dear life. Eli:(Pulls away and looks at his son.)Are you okay Elijah? Elijah Jr:(Smiling)Yes Momwmy saved me from that mean lady. (Eli finally looked down and saw Clare sleeping with an IV in her arm and his eye tear up alittle bit and he swallows weakly) Eli:(Looks down at Elijah Jr.)Is Mommy Okay Son? (Elijah Jr nods and hugs Eli again tighter as Eli returns it and looks at Alli and everybody behind him.) Eli:(Talking To Alli)Can you take Elijah Jr and everyone else outside so I can a minute alone with Clare? Alli:(Nods taking Elijah Jr from his arms.) Elijah Jr:(Looks up at Eli)I Lovwe you dadwy. Eli:(Smiles with tears in his eyes)I Love You Two BabyBoy. (Alli takes Elijah Jr's from Eli's arms and nods at him,looking at Clare then back to him with a sympathetic look as she leads everyone out.) Eli sits down in the chair by Clare's bed and takes her hand in his as fresh tears hit his eyes.) Eli:(Staring at Clare sleep and sighs deeply squeezing her hand alittle bit)You know when we met,oh man you were the most gorgeous person I ever seen and your unique beauty and beautiful eyes. When I met you I felt complete again. I'm so sorry for my stupid mistakes,just please wake up so we can talk face to face and talk this out please Clare,I love you my beautiful blue-eye's. (Eli squeezed her hand gently one more time and layed hia head down on the side of her bed as tears leaked from his eyes on each side,one at a time.)

''Elijah Goldsworthy?'' (Eli looked up annoyes that someone would disturb him and his wife's moment even though she was asleep. His mouth dropped open and his eye's widen as he swallowed weakly in shock.....? Continue or not guys? Please comment and let me know?...:)...

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