"Tony Stark?" Hannah asked, wanting clarification.

"Suit up," Steve said.


The battle began 

Hannah was in the terminal with Sam and Bucky when Spider - Man showed up crawling on the window.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky asked.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now," Sam said.

"That's - that's Spider - Man," Hannah said.

"Spider - who?" Sam asked.

"Spider - Man," she repeated. "I've come across him multiple times in the past."

"Right," Bucky said.

Spider - Man shot a web and swung. He crashed into the window, kicking Sam.

Hannah looked back as she and Bucky ran.

"Sam!" she called. She and Bucky stopped. Bucky turned to punch Spider - Man but Spider - Man caught the punch.

"You have a metal arm?" Spider - Man asked. "That is awesome, dude!"

Sam started running towards Spider - Man and picked Spider - Man up as he started to fly.

"You have the right to remain silent!" Spider - Man said.

Spider - Man managed to detach himself from Sam and fending for himself.

"You okay?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah. He's coming back."


Peter wings through the rafters in the terminal, chasing Sam who flew backwards, firing shots. Peter stops on a high beam.

"Oh God," he said. Bucky threw something at Spider - Man while Hannah shot electricity at Spider - Man. Unfortunately, Hannah missed. "Hey, buddy, I think you lost this!" Peter threw it back at Bucky. As he did so, Sam kicked him off the beam and Peter fires a web which sends Sam crashing to the floor. Peter webs Sam's wrist to a balcony railing. "This carbon fiber?"

"Is this stuff coming out of you?" Sam asked.

"That would explain the rigidity - flexibility ratio," Spider - Man said, "which, gotta say, that's awesome, man."

When Spider - Man said that, Hannah realized, it's Peter. Peter is Spider - Man. All he had to do was say that sentence to make her realize that. She remembered one time Peter telling her what he thought Sam Wilson's things were made out of.

"I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking," Sam said.

"Alright, sorry, my bad," he apologized. He swung down as Hannah attempted to punch him. Bucky jumped in the way caused to him and Sam to fall over. Hannah nearly fell, but managed to stay up. Peter fired webs to keep them stuck.

Hannah focused her attention on Peter.

"Let them go," she said.

"Can't do that," he responded.

"Why not?"

"I'm helping Mr. Stark," he said. "If I'm helping him, than I gotta do this."

He webbed Hannah's feet to the ground.

"Hey!" she exclaimed.

Peter than webbed Hannah's hands together.

"Why did you do that for?" she demanded.

"Look. I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, I'm really sorry."

Redwing, Sam's drone, showed up and draft Peter through the glass wall.


"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky asked.

"I hate you," Sam responded.

"Hey, uh, Spark? Can you help us?" Bucky asked.

"I'm stuck, as well," she reminded him.

"Yeah, I know, but have you considered using your powers to get yourself out then jump down and help us?" Bucky asked. 

"No," she said.

"Not a bad idea," Sam said.

Hannah used her powers to get the webs off of her and she got down to help Bucky and Sam out.

"Thanks," Bucky said.

"I'm in serious trouble," she said, looking up.


"That was my best friend," she said.

"Who? Spider-Man?" Sam asked.

"How come he didn't recognize you?" Bucky asked.

"He doesn't know I'm the Spark," she explained. "It's something that I never told anyone until you guys."

"How do you know it's him behind the mask?" Sam asked.

"It's when he asked about the carbon fiber thing," she said. "I remember he came to me and started to talk to me about what your suit is made out of. Him saying what he did made me actually realize that. I didn't think it was actually him."

"What will happen if he finds out?" Bucky asked. "He's going to find out, right?"

"I hope not."

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