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{Y/N's P.O.V.}

I wake up to find myself sprawled out on the couch, Keilo laying on the floor and the news paper on my chest. Keilo looks up at me then closes his eyes once more. 'I might as well get another bed for him considering he's gonna get bigger. But not a dog bed. No no no a literal bed, like a twin sized bed.' I say to myself having basically a full on conversation with myself. I sit up and turn the TV on. "A local family was found dead in their home after a family friend stopped by to spend some time with the victims. However the victims were not killed recently. The results came in and it seems as if they were killed about a month ago, around the same time young Y/N M/N L/N went missing. Local police believe both incedints have a connection however none have been linked and seemed correct. Now, to our weather forecast with Lindsey Klein." Announced the news man.

I turn off the TV before standing up and heading to the kitchen to fix some breakfast for myself. I make blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and milk/juice. I sit down at the table and eat the delicious food. I look at the clock it reads, "8:21" so its almost 8:30 and I don't have school, or any plans for the day. And im already becoming bored, what will I do? I say to myself. *Ding* I heard my phone go off. It was a text form an unknown number, it read,

Unknown: Meet me at the park in 30 minutes

Me:Who are you??

Unknown:A friend Y/N a friend

Me:So why isn't your contact listed in my phone?

Unknown:Because you never talk to me nor I you but we see each other every day at school.

Me:Oh, I guess I'll get ready then. Bye for now

Unknown:Cya then

I got up and walked to my room to get dressed and ready for this mystery person. I wore a comfortable yet cute look of, a denim skirt, a Micky mouse crop-top, and high heel ankle boots along with a red headband. I looked at the alarm clock on my night stand, "8:33" it read. "I should get going," I said with a sigh. "And Keilo will be fine he's a smart lil' cookie." I said with a slight chuckle.

•~•~•~•~•Time skip from Zane•~•~•~•~•

I sit down on a bench waiting for this mystery friend of mine. Looking down at the phone in my hand I looked at all the mesage from Chance and my cousins' Frankie and Francis. I looked up and saw a girl standing in front of me. "Um, were you the-" she ran off before I could finish what I was going to say. "I see you've met my younger sister aye?" Asked a male voice from the side of me. I looked over and saw a relatively tall man standing there. He looked down at me then his face, it looked like he had seen a ghost. "Your- you- news- dead?!" He said scared. Then slowly backed away. "I, I gotta go find Claire." He said before running off. I looked at my phone again this time checking the time "8:50" read the time.

Me:Where are you?

Unknown:Wow you really must want to meet me.

Me:Hey your the one who wanted to meet me in the park!

Unknown:Fine fine I'll be there......... Now

"Hey," said a feminine voice from infront of me. "Heyyy, I said looking up shoving my phone under my thigh. Looking up I see a tall guy standing there, honestly, he was hot, but on the feminine scale. "My name is Amderson, Kyle Amderson." "L/N, Y/N L/N. So your the mystery person who's been texting me?" I asked, "Yes, and sister let me tell you cause you look hawt in that outfit~." He said confirming my theory that he was very much gay. "Sister? Really? God you watch too much James Charles." I said and giggled a little. "Hey, he's my idle!" yelled Kyle, "Ok ok you don't have to yell. Also, now that I see you, you do look fermiler, aren't you the guy who only hangs out with girls?" I asked him. "Yea that'd be me heh," he said rubbing the back of his neck. "So did you go on vacation or was it a PLL thing?" Kyle asked, "Well it deffenitly wasn't a Pretty Little Liars thing and I wouldn't call it a vacation, thing is," "What what what?!" "I was abducted by aliens!" I so wanted to say that but I didn't. "I got lost in the woods behind my house and ended up in a vacation cabin and aperently the family that nursed me back to health said I was in a coma till yesterday when I got back home." I told him. "Yeah I saw you sneaking in your back door with a huge ass dog. But don't think I'm a creepy stalker man! I was taking a midnight jog through the the neighborhood." He said the last part kinda quickly. "Aww Kywle youw sooow cuwt~." I said in a baby voice. "Shut up," he sighed. I looked down at my phone and saw a text from Aunt Nadia, it read: " Hope you had an amazing day back! Btw the twins are saying that you haven't been texting them, what's up with that gurl?

Xoxo Aunty Nadia"

"Hmm? Girl what's that? Ooooooooooooooh does lil' Y/N have a crush???" Kyle teased poking my arm while trying to read the text. "No, it was just my ant." I chuckled, "Now stop poking me!" I looked at the time and saw that it was already 6:38 "I'm sorry Kyle, but I gotta go home and do some stuff. I really am sorry, hey maybe you could come over to my place tomarow?" I asked Kyle, "Hmm, maybe but can I bring Yvonne? She's been wanting to meet new people." He replied. "Um, sure aslong as she--" "Great! Cya then!" He said while skipping off.

"H-hey, y-your the girl fr-from the ne-news right?" Asked a little girl that was tugging on my arm. "Yea, I am but I'm not dead don't worry." I said a slight chuckle in my voice. "How old are you anyway? And where are your parents?" I asked her. "I-im not three! I-im seventeen and m-my parents d-died when I was th-thirteen." She said, "And my name is Jillian L/N."



Ok so I'm going to post every Wendsday (or at least try too) and this was a very weird chapter but its still titled "Normality" cause why not, I mean we gotta have some irony, right? Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

(Also aunt Nadia said first day bacj cause she forgot about you. Great aunt, am I right?)

(Word count 1771)

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