Heart Break?

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⚠Warning SLIGHTLY edited⚠
So here we go Chapter 1... Hope you like it.

(Y/n's P.O.V)

I pull Keilo up on my chest he's still a pup so its quite easy. Keilo starts to whimper so I grab a bottle from my bedside table and start to feed him. He dosen't eat. He whimpers again and points his muzzle to my window. He cant see but his hearing and smell are excellent. I get up and set Keilo down on the pillow, walking over to my window I hear a rustling from outside. But as I stick my head out into the chill night air only a stray silver cat trots out of the bushes. Then I hear something, it sounds as if someone was cussing under their breath. I shrug it off "Its probably just one of the neighbors kids," I say to myself as I close my window and head back to my bed. I stroke Keilo's head and he licks my face reminding me that I need to take a shower. "But its 1:00 am," I tell myself as I fall asleep, Keilo sleeping peacefully on my chest.

(The following morning)

I wake up to Keilo licking my face, his eyes are open though still slightly fogy. He continues to lick and nuzzle my face and I start to laugh. *Wait what time is it? Oh shit I'm late!* I tell myself as I pick Keilo up and set him down next to me. Just then I get an alert on my phone, its Chance my only friend well other than Keilo of course. "Y/N hurry up! Your late which makes me late!" Said the text from Chance. I quickly on a F/B(favorite band). t-shirt/crop-top, knee-ripped jeans, black converse, and tide a flanle around my waist. "Shit what am I gonna do with you?" I asked Keilo as I finished brushing my hair. I looked behind me to realize that he had grown over night, he wasn't huge but he was bigger. "Wow," I whispered to myself. I grabbed his bowl off my floor and filled it with puppy food. I put him in the garage with the door leading to the backyard open and gave him some water and I placed the food next to the water. I took a blanket off my bed and layed it on the ground in a relatively warm place. *I need to get him a bed.* I thought to myself as I walked to the front yard where Chance was waiting for me he was turned around so I jumped on his back and playfully hit the top of his head. "Finally," he sighed and started walking towards the school not questioning the fact that I was on his back.

(???'s P.O.V.)

She left with some guy if you ask me he was ugly as hell, but she ran up behind him and jumped on his back he didn't even try to get her off. I should have know she'd have a boyfriend. I mean look at that beautiful face and H/C hair. I ran to the next house full of rage. I wanted to kill, no I needed to kill. When I came out of the house I had killed everyone in sight. I sprinted back to the mansion and went up to my room.

(B.E.N.'s P.O.V.)

Toby came back ticking with anger. He ran up to his room and slammed the door. Hoodie and Masky came out if the kitchen looking pretty confused with cheesecake on their faces. "Stop cuming on each other," I said grining, Hoodie and Masky just ignored my little comment and went back to the kitchen. I went up to Jeff's room too ask him how pissed Toby looked because I didn't get a good look at him. But Jeff wasn't in his room. Then I heard Jeff's voice along with EJ and LJ's come from Sally's room. To be more specific, pleas of help. I opened the door to see this:Jeff in a tu-tu, EJ in a dress, LJ in a fairy costume, and Sally in a princess costume, all drinking out of empty cups. I slowly backed out of the room but not before getting glares from all three boys and a smile from Sally. I closed the door and walked down the hall to Toby's room. I open the door to see him throwing his hatchets at a piece of plywood propped up against the wall. "You ok? You never throw your hatchets unless your-" "Unless i-im really p-p-pissed." Toby stuttered the rest of my sentence twitching angrily.

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