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Y/N's P.O.V.

"I fucking hate life," I mumbled as I opened the front door. Keilo ran up to me and jumped on me almost making me fall. I staggered backwords falling down, and hitting my head on the concrete walkway outside. My eyes fluttered shut and darkness consumed me.

Keilo's P.O.V.(yes the aminals p.o.v)

"Mum! Mum! Mum!" I barked waiting for her to open the door. When she did I ran up to her and jumped on her causing her to fall backwords and go to sleep. Then I smelt something. It smelt matalic and reminded me of my short time in the tree world. I shook my head to get rid of the memories and began licking mum's face to wake her. She didn't wake up. Then a man ran over and shoved me away. He had the same matalic scent on him but the scent was stronger and slightly diffrent. He then touched my mum! I growled a warning at him telling him it was a bad idea to touch her. He didn't care he just picked her up and started walking away I snapped at his hind paws but he didn't care he just kept walking into the tree world. I followed him, making sure he didn't hurt my mum. Soon he broke into a run. After a while he slowed his pace so I matched my pace with his. I followed him to a big house. I kept following him to the porch, but guess what? He left me outside! and away from my mum as well! "Mum! Where are you taking my mum?!" I protested, then stopped *mum doesn't like me being loud.* I thought to myself. I laid down, my back to something big and fuzzy. I lay my muzzle on my paws waiting for mum to get back only to be flipped up and land in front of a small fuzzy thing. My hind paws in my face and my back and hind quarters on a wall. "Why are you here, you stupid fur ball?" The big fuzzy thing asked getting up. My eyes soon adjusted to being upside down and, that thing was huge! He was male and his pelt was red and black. "Wh-what are y-you?" I asked him. "I am Smile Cat~!" sang the small fuzzy thing. This "Smile Cat" was also male and had the same red and black pelt as the bigger thing. "And tha-hat is Smile Dog~!" The small male sang. I got up and shook my pelt to get rid if the small pieces of wood stuck to my pelt. "I'm Keilo," I told the happy singing cat. This "Smile Dog" got up and yelled "Open the damn door Jeff!" at the door and soon it was flung open revealing a teen with a carved smile and it looked like it couldn't blink. He was also male. I sat down and Smile Cat jumped on my head, I wagged my tail sending a cloud of dust up causing me to sneeze. "The hell was that?" He yelled, I bark, "Oh my Zalgo, why the fuck do we need even more pets?" The male who ik guessing was Jeff yelled. Just then a tiny human ran out and squealed when it saw me. A female. Then another one ran out, also female. "Oh hey Ankle Biter, and Bear, Lover, so which one of you brought a fu-fluffing wolf home?" They didn't answer they just started petting me and hugging onto my neck. A male walked out he looked like one of mum's game characters with blond hair and a green outfit and hat. But with red seeping from his eyes. I heard screaming from inside the house recognizing it as "MUM!!" I yelled and jumped up running to the door. Tripping the blond boy as I ran past. I heard her scream again and followed the sound. I ran to a door the screams louder now. I growled loudly headbutting the door. The door fell reaviling my mum passed out once more on a bed and a female standing over her.



So this is chapter two and its really fluffing short also,

Ankle Biter:Lazari

Bear Lover:Sally

And in this story Lazari is still a little girl so yea

Peace out my little CrEePs ~KC

All my friends are Killers (TicciToby X Reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum