threatened twice! one good? one bad?-

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Kevin p.o.v:

I went to the kitchen and made breakfast for my love. My tail was swinging back and forth. I cant wait to tell Jacob and Jane. I'm kinda afraid of Jane. She is a little over protective of lexy. I can't blame her though. I would be to if I had a sister figure dating some one and being marked. I sighed happily though. That is when I felt two arms circle around my stomach. I chuckled knowing that it was lexy.

"What are you doing awake? Wait...... I thought your legs would hurt after yesterday night's activities?" I turned around to see her red faced from embarrassment.

"When Jane was working on her pain tolerance I joined in as well. Don't get me wrong my legs do hurt it's just not as bad thanks to her. Oh shit! What am I going to tell Jane! She might kill you!" I widened my eyes at this.

"Okay we will have to keep Jacob near by incase she gets out of hand." She nodded. We ate our food and got ready. During that time I called Jacob.


Hey man!

Hey Kevin what you need?

Do you have anything planned today?

No why?

I was wondering if we could come over and talk?

Yeah let me tell Jane you are coming over. See you soon. Bye


"So they know we are coming?" Lexy asked behind me. I looked at her and nodded. She came over and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Is there a reason for the sudden hug?" She didn't answer me but instead kissed me. This got me even more confused.

"Just goodbye hugs and kisses incase you die." I looked at her wide eyed. She has no faith in me. Well neather do I but that doesn't matter.

"We-we should get-get going." I say shaking. Lexy puts a calming hand on my shoulder.

"Just remember that I will always love you." I can't tell if she is joking or not. She is scary serious. Then she laughs. Dammit. Her and her emotions.

"You still have a lot to learn about me." She kept laughing. I then smirked at a thought. I then leaned down a little because she is kinda short. I whispered into her ear.

"I don't have much see how I learned a lot about you last night. If I still have more to learn then let's go back to bed." She turned beat red. I laughed and headed for the door.

"Well you coming or not?" I said. She snapped out of her daze and looked down. Then proceed to walk to the door.

On her way out I smacked her ass. She yelped and walked a little faster. I laughed and closed the door.

I jogged to catch up to lexy. She ignored me and walked faster. What did I do this time?

"Aww is someone mad." I teased.


"I sorry." This got me a little mad. So I went up behind her and hugged her making her stop. I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck.

"Please don't be mad. I cant lose you too." Begged at her. She turned around and hugged me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to ignore you. I just was embarrassed." She said and hugged me tighter. This calmed me down.

I sighed and smelled her hair. It know it is a little weird but her hair smells like strawberries. I let go and we continued walking. Soon enough we were in front of there door.

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