The next day

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Jacobs P.O.V:
I woke up snuggling something warm. Then I remembered last night. I'm pretty sure my face is a tomato by now. So she learned my fear but instead of laughing she helped me. I look up to see her beautiful sleeping face. I resited the urge to stroke her cheek.  Man this girl keeps getting better and better.

After a while she woke up and stretched. I pretended to be asleep so she wouldn't catch me staring at her. But what she did next was unexpected. She stared to stroke her fingers through my hair. It was unusaly very calming. So calming that I almost went back to sleep. So I got up and stretched.

"Good morning had a good night's sleep." She asked me with her beautiful angelic voice.

"Yes" but I won't admit that it was the best night's sleep i have ever gotten.

"Well come on its the weekend.what would you like for breakfast." She said as we started our way to the kitchen. I didn't know how hungry I was until now that she mentioned it.

"Can you make pancakes?" I questioned. It would be a miracle if she could.

"Yes I can. Well I'm going to start you can watch tv if you want." She suggested to me.

She is a miracle herself. All my Hope's and dreams have been answered! They sent me this goddess to be with me!

"No I want to watch you." I don't know why but I just can't bring myself to use my alpha voice on her.

"Ok" she started to work her magic and let me tell you it was awesome.
Soon they were done. They tasted like heaven in my mouth. I moaned at how good they were. She giggled.

"Fuck this is delicious how do you do it?" I questioned her. I think she actually did use magic. I was looking at her waiting for her to make something happen.

"I learned from my dad when I was younger and living with my parents. I just put in my secret ingredient to make them better." She told me. When me and her finished her phone dinged.

"What was that." I asked hoping it's nothing bad............. I was wrong it was horrible.

"Oh nothing lexy just wants to hang out today. I better get ready then." Man then that means i dont get to spend time with her. But needless to say she got up picked up mine and her plate washed, dried , and put them away.

"I could of done that you know" I said a little sad that she had to do it after making breakfast for us. She seemed to notice my mood.

"Yes but I wanted to do them any ways so it's ok." She said. She enters her room, changes and comes back out.

That was really fast. Faster then I would of suspected. I thought girls take forever to get ready.

"Well I will be going now bye." She waves to me and closes the door.

What am I going to do now? Might as well hang out with Kevin since lexy will be gone too. I got up and texted him. Then I got changed and headed out.

Kevin's P.O.V:

I got up this morning to a smell of what I'm guessing is bacon. I stay silent and listen to the distant noises.

Yep it was bacon because I can hear it's sizzling. So I got up and walked to the kitchen. The aroma got better and better the closer I got to it.

"So what are you making" I asked. I guess I startled her causing her to jump.

"I'm making bacon and eggs. Wait do you not like them? I could make something else for you." She said in a panicked tone. She also looks worried.

"No it's fine I like bacon and eggs so it's fine." I ensured her. She took a deep breath to calm down.

"Well in that case breakfast is served." She said in a cheery voice and a bright smile on her face. Oh how i love that smile.

She set down my plate and I began to chow down on this delicious food. How it's so wonderful to have her here. Now I can eat real food instead of fast food all the time. At least i'm eating better.

After eating breakfast she texted her friend. I guess I will be lonely today. She went to her room and quickly changed.

"Well I will be going. Texted me if you need any thing ok?" I nodded. She was out the door in know time. I sighed man am I going to miss her. Then I suddenly hear my phone go off.

(Bold is Jacob. Italicized is kevin)

Yo bro want to hang out today.

Sure man let me get ready.

Okay where do you want to meet?

The fountain

Okay see you there.

I put my phone down and went to get ready to meet up with Jacob. Well hopefully everything goes good today.

Jacob/Kevin's P.O.V:
I hope this day goes by fast so I can see her sooner.

Hello my shadows. Author here just to tell you that this is going under some major editing on my part. Some things will get changed so you might want to hold off on reading it. I have nothing else to say besides that so have a nice day/night!
-shadow_dancer out

P.s if this chapter has been edited again there won't be a dash mark on the title. So if you still want to read it just read to the dash marked titles. Thank you!

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