Chapter 3

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As we sat in Nyrai's living room I couldn't help the stupidity as well as remembrance that overtook me

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As we sat in Nyrai's living room I couldn't help the stupidity as well as remembrance that overtook me. "Noi-" I didn't even finish my sentence before he knowingly rushed to his feet, knocking Percy off in the process.

"Okay before I throw an actual fucking chair at you, what was that?" A now agitated Percy questioned from the floor.

"We're kind of bad at our jobs and forgot that we have a celebration to attend." Noim answered while most likely trying to think of a way to fix the predicament we were now in. Standing from her seat on the arm rest beside me, Nyrai sat down her now fifth glass of brew and shrugs nonchalantly. "You can just use my portal candy."

Within the next ten minutes, Nyrai had conjured up some silver and purple colored candy for us while Percy scolded Noim for dropping him. "Its a two part candy Ray. You have to lick it, then envision where you want to go, then eat it." She explained as she handed me a small lilac mesh bag containing the candies. Pulling her into a hug, I thanked my favorite witch before pulling Noim from their mini argument with Percy.

Taking two pieces of candy from the bag I licked both before handing one over to Noim.
"But why?"
"You didn't hear the directions."

They shrugged and popped the violet ball into their mouth. I had been a test subject to Nyrai's experimental potions yet one thing that I'll always hate is the internal tingle that makes you want to tear your skin off. As the irritation subsided there was a moment that felt like a vast nothingness as we were engulfed in darkness till the scenery around us changed and morphed into that of the streets of the North regent.

"Remind me to always praise Nyrai." Noim proclaimed with a sigh of relief. With the help of her spell, we were only about 8 minutes out from the Forei party.

As Noim and I made our way to the entrance of the Northern Eldris mansion we were greeted by Rhory and Viti. "Noim I have to thank you for getting her here on time." Rhory smirked whilst patting Noim on his shoulder. I could only roll my eyes and head off to find the nearest drink lackey, Rhory had to be my personal nuisance.


Viti and I walked ahead of the boys whilst greeting the Eldrises. Like Rhory, the Eldris of the were judgmental with harsh stares and fault-finding faces. They couldn't even pretend to see us as equals. I loathed coming to the North regent.

"You know I bet you ladies would look so much prettier if you were allowed to dress up." Eldris Vima said back handedly. Viti and I shared a look, hers meaning for me to maintain my composure which I would not oblige to. "If only you aged as gracefully as you dressed Vima." I dismissed before taking a sip of my champagne. I understand the rules of respect and holding the Edris to some higher level but not when they act like Vima.

Walking away from them I grabbed another glass of the sparkling liquid off one of the staff trays. Sipping my drink, I made my way over to the side balcony and just watched as everyone else mingled amongst each other.

"You're quite composed tonight." Rhory said as he randomly appeared on my side. I huffed and rolled my eyes; he speaks as though I'm some insubordinate fiend. I could feel his eyes linger on me which only fueled the uncomfortable silence between us. Rhory took a breath as if he was about to speak again but a familiar fanfare ceased all other noise.

They "graced" our presence with matching indigo robes. As the back two wore their hoods up, Herectic Persi wore hers down, once again differentiating herself from them. I looked to my side wondering what act Rhory would put on but surprisingly he wasn't there. I, along with the rest of the partygoers watched as the Heretics strode in -in silence. I always was unamused by their theatrics. Now looking over the people I somehow managed to find annoyance in the awe that they had for the Heretics. If it wouldn't grant such discord I'd cause a scene, I grew tired of the silence by the second. Taking a seat on the stone railing I thought of how my absence would go unnoticed.

Yet even as I stood illuminated and alone in the moonlight, I could eerily feel an invisible presence with eyes on me. Looking up to the sky the only true peace I enjoyed was at night. Eldris Tume always called me her nightling when she'd find me out on the rooftops just staring at the moon. I wondered if that's why I never embraced the Sonlerei ideal, they rejoiced in the light that made me recoil and whilst they slept in the night I found solace.

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