chapter 1

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I detest mornings

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I detest mornings. They were always either too loud or too bright. Even now as I watched from the roof tops as the Sonlerei people gathered round for the return of the Heretics. They were the council over Sonlerei and to even be in one's presence was deemed a blessing. It was even rumored that Heretic Persi had powers, nevertheless I still wanted sleep rather than this communion. Staring down at the pool of white wings we all turned our attention to the courtyard stage as the trumpets sounded their arrival. They flew from behind the north end palace and soared through the air doing their signature trifecta trick. As they majestically touched down in the courtyard the mindless chatter of the crowd began to die down.

"Good morning glorious Sonleries." Heretic Persi began. She had to be the eldest of the three seeing as she always spoke first. With thick white hair reaching just above her shoulders she had olive toned skin and a face adorned with texture from her years of life. As her piercing purple eyes scanned the crowd she offered a peaceful yet powerful smile to the crowd. "We return to celebrate our celestial harvest." Heretic Lum spoke and although it was their turn to speak the only true energy came from Heretic Persi.

To start off every celestial harvest there is a celebration, followed by a fortnight of action and affairs. As the Heretics each took turns with their speech the crowd of Sonleries began to chatter about with excitement. As Heretic Creo closed out the speech with the annual regulations, I found my displacement of attention and turned away. Rolling my eyes, I walked around to the other side of the rooftop before climbing back down into my room. Even though the harvest was fun for the people, it only served as more work for patrol.

Making my way to my mirror, I stared at myself whilst mentally preparing for the extra excruciating fortnight of labor I would be subjected to. I mindlessly got ready for rounds; Rhory would be a different type of insufferable these next few days. There was a light knock at my door taking me away from my internal complaints. As I reached for my door, I could hear the trumpets in the background sounding as the Heretics dismissal. "You know he's going to be extra uptight these next couple days." Viti greeted with hand behind her back. Viti, the East Wind guard was always so pliant and sweet. Viti had long blonde hair that she always wore in the tightest ponytail. "Rhory is always a hard ass." I countered before leaving and leading us out West wind.

The Wind dormitories were as follows; North Wind was guarded over by Rhory, East Wind guarded by Viti, South Wind guarded by Noim, and West Wind guarded by me. Each of us guards oversaw the dorms as well as its surrounding area.

In the Eastern part of Sonlerei focuses were on that of medicine and other healing and natural properties. That side of Sonlerei fit Viti though, with her mossy green eyes and pastel blonde hair, her face almost always resembled that of a flower.

"It seems you finally decided to join us Esmeray." Rhory announced pausing his combat training with Noim. As he acknowledged our presence Viti scurried away, which was always common upon my late arrival. " I was allowing to you your much needed time to catch up to me." I retorted gesturing towards his training. Though Rhory was our lead guard, he was no match to me in combat. Out of us main four Rhory was named lead because of his "well rounded nature". It was well rounded bullshit. "Get in line Ray."

Before such things as festivals and harvests, Rhory never really made us train, but we did have to line up and listen to a tedious speech on protectiveness and servitude to the people. Honestly, I hated Rhory, at least most times. "You know today's lecture is going to run extra long because you were late." Noim whispered letting a smirk dance on his lips. I shook my head with a small chuckle. "You know he'd say this shit no matter the occasion."

A total of at least eighteen minutes and twenty three seconds. Noim insisted on keeping count. It wasn't his longest lecture but this one did include more of his passive aggressive subliminals toward me.

"So Wyrwren after patrol?" Noim asked as we disbanded the line.
"Hmm that awfully scandalous." I taunted making a face at him.

Wyrwren, also known as the witching district, was that of a forbidden place following "proper" Sonlerei morals.

"That's why I'm --"
"Esmeray I need to speak with you." Rhory interjected midst our conversation.

"A full name call, looks like you're in trouble." Noim teased before expelling his wings and flying off. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I atleast wanted to make him wait a little.

"You request my presence?" I asked acting dumb as I made my way over to where he now stood. The auburnhaired man stood with his back towards me before speaking. "You know our relationship would be better if you at least pretended to care Esmeray, if not I might as well replace you in second command." No matter whom he spoke to do he had to give a demeanor that he superior and to be treated as such. " You are aware that Noim cares about just as much I do and with that being said you might as well just move on to Viti." Viti was a sweet girl and not too bad a guard but she was nowhere near as efficient.

Rhory snickered now as he turned around to face me. It was always a mental game trying to decipher whether or not his hair was actually red or just a brown with a weird tint. "Nonetheless Esmeray, I need you to work with me." Always Rhory the Noble. "You are our leader Rhory, but we are not your guards, and until the Heretics themselves, deem me incompetent I am to understand I am doing enough." He never ceased to take his role too far. Stepping back from I rolled my shoulders releasing my wings. allowing them to spread out against my back before flying off.

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