A Knock On The Door

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Me and Edd were sleeping and I'm pretty sure Ringo was sleeping too when we heard a knock on the door, I got up and opened the door to see my sister and Matt "Rachel! Matt!" I say hugging them "Did Tord hurt you guys?" "No we're fine." Rachel says quietly, she doesn't really talk that much which I wish she did because well... I know this sound weird because I'm her brother but...

I don't really know a lot about her.

Me and Rachel sit down on the couch with Edd while Matt just stands next to the couch "So Rachel, how did you two escape?" "Well me and Matt planned a plan and sticked with the plan and we escaped." She said, I hate that she doesn't go into details "Ok, could you go into detail?" Rachel stays silent, I hate that she goes silent like this it's like she's keeping something from me. She gets up and goes to the kitchen, when she comes back she has two Colas in her hands and she gives one to Edd and sits back down. I look at the time, 9:42 "Well I'm going to bed." Matt says "Me too." Rachel yawns and they both go to their rooms, after they leave Edd says "So, we're alone now." Me and Edd stare at each other until we fall asleep.

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