The Plan

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Me and Edd get out of the shower I go to my room and get in dry clothes and head to the kitchen "Hello Tom." Suddenly I got a text from an unknown number
????: If you want to see your sister and Matt again come to the hill ALONE

Tom: Tord?! Is that you?!

????: Yes

Tom: How did you even get my number?

Tord: I hacked into your phone and got your number.


Tord: It was pretty easy.

"Tom?" "Huh." I look up at Edd "Breakfast is ready." Edd says putting a plate with pancakes and eggs in front of me "Thanks." "So do you have any plan on how to get Rachel and Matt back "Tord texted me to meet him at the hill." "What! I didn't know you had Tord's number?" "I didn't he said he hacked into my phone." I say eating a bit of my pancakes "I should come with you. He could hurt you." "He told me to go alone." "Exactly he is planning something so I must go with you." "I must go alone."

I finish my breakfast and head out to the hill, when I get there I see Tord leaning against the remains of his robot "Glad you came." He said when I reached the top "What do you want?" "I want you to be apart of the Red Army." "No! Why would I join your stupid army!" Suddenly he pulls out a gun "If you don't join I will kill you then kill Edd, Rachel, and Matt." "I said no!" "Fine." He say pointing the gun at me. "NOOOO!!" Edd yells from behind some bushes.

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