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Edd and I sat there for awhile hugging "We should start searching." Edd says, I want this moment to last forever, I didn't want to loose this moment, I want to hug Edd longer but we need to get my sister and Matt.

So me and Edd unhugged and  started searching, a little while pass and we found nothing useful "Oh no." Edd says looking up at something "What's wro- Oh." I realized the thing was a camera "I think we should leave now." I say slowly walking back to my room "Yeah." Edd says back up too. Once we get out me and Edd sat on my bed "You know I would actually like to sleep on this bed, with you or without." Edd says making me blush, I look at the time and it says 7:24 PM. What!? It's already 7:20!?

I lay down and Edd lays next to me "Sorry if this is gay but can I sleep here tonight? Your bed is so comfortable!" "I don't mind. Anything to make you happy." "Your gay, man." "No I'm not, I'm bisexual." "Still." Edd says getting comfortable, after a bit Edd falls asleep. God his snoring is so cute! It's like a cat purring. After a bit I fall asleep listening to Edd's adorable snoring.

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