Chapter 21

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A/N Arent i evil with cliff hangers >:D

Niall POV

I cant believe I see what is before my eyes. The girl i fell in love with, back to me. Exept now she doesnt love me back. I ruined it all. I was such a bad boyfriend, yet she forgave me becasue she loved me. Now i ruined it all. I want her back so much. But I know i will never have her. Besides she probably already has a boyfriend, which will ruin my chances if she would accept my apology if i asked her to. She probabaly wont anways. I should get my hopes up, maybe she will. Hopefully... Once i saw he my first thought was were my eyes decieving me? Nope, I even poked her to make sure. She slapped my hand away before i could touch her. Well that hurt so it must be real. I could see in the other boys eyes they were thinking the same thing I was. 

"Uh hi." I said akwardly scratching my head.

"Hi." Lucy said not looing at me.There is a start.

'uh.. how are you?" I asked.

"Fine. Perfectly fine. Uh.. What about you?" She asked looking at me for a second but then looking at the ground again.

"Fine." I said. I liffted her chin but she pulled away.

"Why wont you look at me?" I whispered.

"It hurts too much Niall." She whispered. I looked at the ground and sighed.

"I know it does. I am messed up. I didnt want to hurt you. I am so messed up. Management told us we had to get now girlfriends because you guys were hurting our reputation since you werent famous. So they went to your Uncles party and put the blonde with me and told me i had to kiss her to make you break up with me. I tried to hold in my feelings, but when I got to the hotel room I lost it I started to ball and cry my eyes out like a baby. You woudnt believe how much I cried." I chuckled and she giggle. "Anyways when we went to get our stuff and after you hit my in the balls I told Harry everything, How messed and fucked up we are and how i will never get you back and how you were my first and only love. I told myself to never give up on you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me Lucy, I dont want to lose you twice. We are on break for a month. Please,PLease,PLEASE forgive me. We could just be friends for now. Just PLEASE give me another chance. I love you with all m heart and always will just Please forgive me." I pleaded I was on my knees and everything. I need her to forgive me.


Lucy POV

I cant believe what I just heard. Niall told me everything. The truth. He said he still loved me and we could be friends for now. I dont know what to do. Should i forgive him? I asked myself. I think I should it wasnt his fault it was managments fault. I want him back in my life so badly. Not as a friend, but as a boyfriend. I want to be back in his arms. For him to hold me.

"Ok."I said and smiled."BUT ONE MORE CHANCE!" I said warning him. He smiled widely and hugged me, I hesitated but gave in and hugged him back. We finally departed and looked around. Everyone was hugging that means the girls forgave the boys and are just friends for now. Athena was gleaming with happiness. FINALLY, they let us out of Starbucks and we went shopping some more. The boys more on more deguises and looked like creepers. I laughed so much. The girls went  to get their nails done and then we went to Forever 21 and got a flowery crop top with Light blue high-Wiasted shorts. I also got this Mint blue dress that goes down to my middle waist. For lunch we went to Subway I got a 12 inch sandwhich and two cookies and a Dr.Pepper. We went to other stores and that was our day. We said goodbye to the boys and I put their numbers in once again and departed. We went back to our flat and it was 9 pm. I was so tired. Today has been a funfilled day. We saw the boys again became friends with them and we are going to go to the beach at Key West tomorrow. I fell alseep thinking of Niall.


Niall POV

Once we departed from the girls all we did was talk about them. It was so amazing that they forgave us. I was so jumpy too. All I did was talk about Lucy. I love her so much. Once we got back to our hotel i was so tired. Tomorrow we are going to Key West with the girls. I was so excited to see lucy again Once I got in bed i istantly fell alseep dreaming of Lucy.


Hey guys! I love Niall in this chapter. uh..Well all i have to say.Byeeeeeeeeeeee


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