The First Kiss Steve Rogers Didn't Approve Of

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"Did something happen, Sar?" James asked Sarah, curious about what she was hiding from him.

Just like her mother, she was an excellent liar. It made her more cunning and sneaky, and she often found excuses to get past her parents. But, no one in the world could ever out-lie the Black Widow, so the Young Avenger often got herself in a lot of trouble. Her dad, however, clueless as he was, was an easier person to manipulate. One simple lie and she can get past him.

"Oh nothing, I told Teresa that her crush had expressed his feelings for her," Sarah covered her sneaky lie with a smile. Teresa looked panicked. She hated lying. One of the many things that made her and Sarah total opposites.

James narrowed his eyes at the two young girls, but presumed to the kitchen to fetch some food for himself.

"Who's this crush of yours, Teresa?" James asked, as he plopped himself on the couch, grabbing the remote to turn on to Game Of Thrones.

"James!" Sarah exclaimed at her brother in annoyance. He smirked. He too also knew Teresa couldn't lie for one bit.

"Uhh, uhh, Ja-Jason?" She replied, stuttering.

"Oh," James started, "It'd be awkward if it was Harley," he continued, turning his face towards his sister with a 'I-told-you-so' expression. Sarah's eyes widened in horror. The mention of Harley's name made her face and ears red with embarrassment.

"Don't you dare tell them," Sarah warned her brother. He was about to take a vow of promise, when his parents came in with their dog, Buck. They'd just finished walking him when they overheard their children's conversation.

"Don't you dare tell them what?" Natasha asked, whilst unbuckling the leash on Buck's collar. The golden retriever ran up to sit on Sarah's lap. Sarah couldn't lie to her mom now. She always knew when she was hiding something.

Sarah refused to respond to her mother, instead nervously patting her dog, her head down in embarrassment. Her dad, Steve, chimed in the conversation, after fetching a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Sarah, are you hiding something from us?" Natasha narrowed her eyes down to her daughter. Sarah looked up, making eye contact with the emerald green eyes her mother inherited. Her blue eyes twinkled as she chuckled, trying to brush off any further conversation. This was not what I'd planned, she thought.

"N-no, mom. I just, uh, well, Ter and I are working on a surprise for you guys? Well now, it isn't much of a surprise," Sarah tried to lie to her mother, but the Black Widow didn't buy it. No one can out-interrogate the master interrogator. She gave her daughter a daggered glare. She knew, she knows! Sarah screamed in her head. I can't tell her now, dad is literally next to James right now, he'll hear.

"Teresa, can you please excuse us," Natasha asked the daughter of the god of thunder to politely leave them be. The brunette nodded her head and ushered herself out of the common area.

Natasha sat by her daughter's side. She seemed angry, but deep inside, she wasn't. She was worried about what Sarah might be keeping from her. Teens. Always keeping things from their parents.

"Sarah honey, I know that you're a teen now and that you tend to keep things to yourself. You're starting to become independent, but sometimes, there're things that you just can't keep from us. So please, Sarah, tell me what's going on," Natasha told her daughter in a much lighter, warmer voice.

Steve went over to listen, as he too was worried.

"Is someone making fun of you at school? Did you get in a fight with a friend? Are you alright?" The Captain shot her daughter with endless questions, making her even more anxious to tell them the truth.

You can do this, Sarah. Your dad taught you that the truth will always hurt, but it's the right thing.

"No, no! It's none of that, dad, but thanks for caring," Sarah refrained her father from asking anymore questions that'll make him panic.

Steve sighed with relief, but Natasha still wasn't satisfied. She wanted her daughter to vomit out the truth right now or else she'd end up grounded.

"Then what is it?" Natasha asked.

Here goes nothing.

Sarah took a deep breath in and sighed, "What I'm about to tell you, will shock you. Dad, please don't go chasing for your shield, okay? Mom, promise not to get mad, okay?"

"Why would I get mad?"

"Because I had my first kiss today,"

Steve widened his eyes, while his wife squealed in happiness.

"Oh Sarah! That's so exciting!" Natasha clapped her hands, kissing her daughter's face.

"No it's not!" Steve interjected. He was clearly fuming. He was super overprotective, Natasha rolled her eyes at the former Super Soldier.

"Come on, Steve, she's fourteen! Her life is finally becoming exciting! Aren't you happy for our daughter?" Natasha tried to calm her husband down.

Steve sighed, rubbing his temples gently, he replied, "I know that our little girl is growing up, but it can't be that soon. First it's the kiss, then the dates, then the engagement and then God forbid, the marriage and children!"

Natasha chuckled along with Sarah.

"You're already, technically a grandpa..." Natasha muttered, to which Steve heard. He glared at her and she just smirked.

"Dad, I knew you'd overreact," Sarah sighed.

"Come on, Steve, be happy for her!" Natasha exclaimed.

"It's just... you're growing up so fast." He sighed.

James interrupted the moment, by announcing that he was still present. "Hey, first born over here!"

Natasha and Steve laughed, "We know, James."

Steve took a while to seal the approval of this boy that Sarah fancied, and whom she shared her first kiss with.

"If he hurts you, Sarah, don't be surprised if Captain America comes bursting through your high school." Steve warned.

Sarah laughed, "Dad, if he does, I'll kick his ass,"

"That's my girl," Natasha winked at Sarah. Steve tackled his two girls, along with James too, before presuming to their family activity that awaited that very night.


𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐍𝐄-𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 - 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴. ✔︎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt