1 | Hasta la vista.

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Does rain outside in the morning motivate, excite and please you all at the same time? If it does, you are not like me.

I hate rain.

I don't know why, but I didn't really like rain. I have a simple hatred towards it. There are many people around the world like rain, for much reason.

There are my reasons to hate it.

You can't leave your house; everything around you is cold, wet muddy and dirty; humidity makes everything sticky and weird; all the white clothes are put the back of the closet, and your other clothes will take forever to dry; your feet always get dirty, no matter how far they are from the puddle; constant muck all over you; to add to your misery, the cable connection starts to go crazy, making you even more angry about the weather.

In my school days, when we told to write essay on rainy season, mine ended in two paragraph and lowest grade in class. I mentally chuckled to myself, remembering those angry gazes our English teacher Ms. Gonzales would throw at me, when she check my essay.

And I hate rain more when it is raining in non-rainy season. Like now, it is raining in October.

I sigh and lean my head against the cold car window eyeing the numerous small and large drops of rain sliding down the glass.

"I know, you hate rain, but will you please get in your good mood?" My best friend Inaya said from beside me, her eyes were on road while she drives. "You are sending off your brother to abroad, he can't see you like this, sulking over weather."

She was right. I can't let my mood affect my brother's future. After all his hard work gave him fruitful results and he finally has his dream job as a company accountant. He was going to London for two months for his internship. For the first time, he is going to stay away from us for so many days. And I am going to miss him.

"I will." I assured her.

"So are you going to tell me, why did you left the guy from the middle of the date, yesterday?" my friend, Nupur asked from backseat of the car. "And before you asked me how do I know that, Abhimanyu call me last night asking for you, if you're okay?"

At least he has the decency to ask that.

You see Nupur is my wingwoman by forced, not that I want one. Yesterday she forcefully send me to the date, which I eventually leave from the middle of it.

I looked at Inaya for some help but she didn't even spare a glanced at me purposely. Traitor.

I turned back to see Nupur was waiting for me to give the answer of her question.

"He's not my type." That's all I answered.

"You had said this before and before that and wait...... before that too." She said frustrated. "what is your type, Kia?, Abhimanyu was better, than the other guys I set you with, he is the one of the best business man's son, he is rich, good looking, well build—

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