Dan's hand brushes against mine beneath the table. I open it; his hand finds its way to mine and clasps his fingers around it.

"Helloooo lovebirds!" Dan sings as Micky and Sky take their seats across from us.

Sky blushes and Micky rolls his eyes.

A pretty blonde waitress approaches our table

"Ready to order?" she chirps.

I'm fully aware she’s just staring at Dan.

I shift uncomfortably and remove my hand from his grasp. I don’t want conflict and besides, Dan deserves better.

Everyone orders, I just order a milkshake since I’m not feeling hungry anyway. I glance up at the waitress; her diamond blue eyes were burning into Dan as if she was trying to register how good-looking he was. I silently scoff, I've been there sister.

Sky notices my reaction and smiles at me encouragingly. It's scary how she knows everything as if I'd been telepathically sending her all my thoughts without me even knowing.

We chat for a bit until Miss blonde hair and blue eyes returns to our table with our drinks

"Here you are!" she smiles sweetly to Dan

I clench my fists.

She slides over the bill to him and shoots him a dazzling smile before she struts away

Dan picks up the bill with a confused look and flips the little piece of paper over

A phone number was written on the back.

Sky notices it immediately. She stands up quickly almost knocking her chair back

"Bathroom. Mia."

I'm too in shock to even respond. How dare that girl! I look over to Dan to see what he thinks of it. His eyes were wide open. So I let Sky drag me to the bathroom

"What the actual hell?" I breathe

"The hell does that chick thinks she’s doing?" she says annoyed "I saw you see her checking him out. Is it not bloody clear that we're on a date!?"

I nod but I couldn’t keep Dan's face out of my mind. There was no sign of disgust, Just shock. Was it a good shock or bad shock?

Why does he have to be so hot?

"Let’s go back. I don’t even think this is a proper date anyway" I say to her emotionlessly

Her eyes widen at me 'Are you kidding me?"

She studies my face closely "Fine..."

I open the door, my line of vision flickers over to our table.

She's back. At our table. Talking. To Dan.

I almost knock Sky over as I head back into the bathroom

"Son of a bitch!" I hear Sky's voice exclaim and the door of the bathroom clicks shut

I look up to see that I'm alone

Oh shit... What is she going to do now...?

Sky's pretty ruthless; she'll give a good bitch fight if she has to

I stay in the bathroom counting the tiles trying to forget what's happening.

It was bound to happen anyway. He's a singer! He's going to grow up, be a popstar and soon I'll just be another girl thrown off to the side since he'll have millions of pretty, hotter, fitter girls drooling all over him. But I mean, I can’t help but feel jealous.

The bathroom door slams

Sky saunters into the bathroom

"What did you do to the girl? Did you rip her extensions out or something?" I ask her curiously.

Sky laughs, "Nah... I should have though..." she says thoughtfully

I smack Sky playfully, "What did you do!?"

She laughs at me "Absolutely nothing"

I give her a questioning look. She smiles at me.

"I didn’t do anything; Dan practically threw her poor little ego out onto the curb before I could even take a swing at her!"

'What? Really?" I manage to choke out between laughs

"Yep! Now come on, I told them you had a stomach ache so it's not suspicious or whatever"

"Thanks Sky, you're the best" I say pulling her into a hug.

"I know" she replies laughing, "He's a keeper Mia" she whispers into my ear before pulling away.

I walk into the diner and see Dan's beautiful smile, awakening the butterflies in my stomach

"You alright?" Dan asks taking my hand.

"Yeah" I smile at him.

I spot Blondie across from the diner glaring at me with piercing cold deadly eyes. I roll my eyes at her with newfound confidence. I see Sky across from me quickly giving her the finger from under the table

I giggle and tap her leg with mine.

I grip Dan’s hand tighter. Everything is perfect.

Say That You'll Stay (GMD3/District3 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now