Chapter Nine

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I stood there, under the great expanse of night sky. Stars glittered, winking down cheerily at me. The Milky Way arching majestically above me.

I felt far from cheerful, majestic.

What? They had just... hacked into the lab's system and... found my file? I actually had a name? I was someone before I had been taken to the lab? I mean of course but... had I ... actually had a family like those the scientists had talked to each other about?

I must have just stood there, looking into nowhere, my eyes round and staring, mind somewhere else, because Lance suddenly put a hand on my shoulder, jumping me out of my thoughts.

"T-Keith?" His voice was unsure. I look up, my eyes focusing on everyone again.

"What... does it say on my parents...?"

Lance turned back to the computer screen, his eyes searching up and down the page. Then he stops, and he takes in a sharp breath. He looked back at me, his eyes trying to gauge something.

"Keith... um, there's nothing on your mother but... it was your father who... sold you to the lab."

It only took seconds for my brain to process that information. Too soon, not long enough. I wished I never fully understood what Lance said.

No. No. Not possible. Families had always sounded like wonderful things. I had always wanted to be part of one. A few seconds ago I finally thought that maybe - maybe I had one. That thought was extinguished seconds later.

My father had... sold me to RUST? Had given me away to suffer years of torture and abuse of his own free will? And my mother had done what?! Had she just stood by and done nothing?? Why, what had I done wrong?

I turned, twisted out of Lance's hands and walked hurriedly towards the door back into the house, my head down. Distantly I heard Lance and Hunk call after me, but I needed space. Some time to calm down and maybe find a positive in all these negatives.

I found the lounge room and then my pile of blankets with only one wrong turn into a broom closet ( no hiding in the closet for Keith huh? ), and pulled the fluffy, comforting material over my head, hiding myself from the world and squishing my ears to my head, muffling out most but not all noise.

In the adjoining kitchen, I heard distant muffled voices. I didn't care. A brringgg brrrringgg noise, and an even more distant voice asking "Hello?" I tried to block out the voices but I still heard Lance reply,

"Hi mom, sorry but I'm at Pidge's with Hunk. Sorry it's such short notice but something came up and Pidge only rung me this afternoon...... yes mom, I know, I said I was sorry......yes I'm staying the night......yeah, thanks and sorry again......bye."

I heard Lance sigh. "Well, at least that went better than expected..." his voice implied that other things weren't going better. I could guess what.

Hunk murmured a condolence, letting Lance know it wasn't his fault, then went into another room because "I'd better ring my mom too, though she knows what I'm doing, of course..."

After Hunk left the room I heard someone slump into a chair.

"I feel like I should've just lied. Things were going so well." His voice hurt me, he sounded like he blamed himself. I didn't want Lance to think he was to blame.

I wanted my brain to stop. Stop thinking, stop... everything. Thinking hurt, made me go over unwanted thoughts inside my head.

He sold you to RUST. He didn't want you. He probably thought you were a monster, just like everyone else...

How Far I'll Go (For You) [KLANCE] - COMPLETED :)Where stories live. Discover now