Chapter Four

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Pain. Overwhelming pain.

Every time experiencing pain felt like the first. Last time felt the worst, but no, this time was definitely the worst.

My vision was black, my consciousness fading, my sanity slipping.

All I felt, smelled, heard, tasted and saw was pain, in a never-ending pit of darkness.

I'm used to this. I should be numb to their torture by now. Why did I still feel? Still care?

Suddenly I felt a jolt, and all of a sudden the pain was ripped away from me, and a horrible jostling feeling, but so much better than the white-hot, black pain.

Distant sounds of yelling, panicked shouts. Alarm sirens, and the bright colour of flashing lights from beyond my scrunched up eyelids.

A blast of hot air. Even though I'd never felt it, I somehow knew what it was. Muffled, shocked exclamations and muffled, hurried whisperings.

A bigger jolt. Then the blissful release of blackness.


   Sounds. Distant urgent murmuring, the faraway, but still present, the smell of something. Something... good... But still a void of darkness.

I was lying on... air. No, there was something solid beneath me, but it was so much lighter... softer than I had ever felt in my life.

I didn't want to wake up from this dream. It was too nice, too lovely a feeling, but I felt my consciousness start to pull me out of my blissful state.

Against my will, my eyes started to open. All I saw in front of me was a large expanse of creamy white.

I started to panic. It wasn't the stark white I was used to, but the sheer never-ending area of it was... Even my small, soundproof room had some depth, an end to the white.

I sat up.

My eyes widened, and a new kind of panic started to creep up my throat, which felt sore and raw, putting a lump in my throat and causing my eyes to widen.

I was in a room. At least I thought it was a room, but it was unlike I had ever seen before.

There were... objects... scattered around, the floor was... fluffy, every piece of... whatever they were, were covered in material, and there were little things scattered around on brown tables. Lights on little stands with stiff cloth covering them stood on the brown tables as well, and along the walls, long strips of fabric hung, with what looked like glowing light coming from behind them.

It was so unlike I had ever seen before, but... it wasn't scary. It was almost like I had been in this kind of place before, even though I knew I never had.

It was alien but familiar. It was strangely calming.

Wait. How did I get here? I remember blinding pain... then... was someone running with me out of the lab? I remember hearing alarm sirens and shouting. But why? Who? And where was I??

An astonished cry from behind me had me whipping around, managing to get tangled up in the blankets covering me. I found myself on the floor, stunned and mind blank, wondering how I got there.

A peal of laughter came from behind me, and quick footsteps approached me. A bespectacled face appeared in my vision and contemplated me with an amused look. The person looked over their shoulder and yelled, "Oi, Hunk, your damsel in distress is awake!"

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