Chapter Seven

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   There was someone else sitting at the bench when I looked into the room. Quiet mutterings and chatter had woken me up out of the deepest, most peaceful sleep I think I'd ever had.

He had short, but a bit messy brown hair and copper skin. He seemed to know Pidge and Hunk because he talked to them with great familiarity. Still... what if he was someone to take me back to the lab?

I stood there, not really knowing what to do when they turned and spotted me. The new boy had a friendly, open face, but one of the most uncaring of the scientists had had a face just like that.

"Ah, Two, you're up." Hunk was all friendliness as per usual. "Meet Lance. Lance, meet Two."

So he was named Lance. I nodded and started to walk towards them, carefully, but not too obviously so.

Lance was plainly unsure about how to approach me. He smiled, and extended his hand, like how some of the scientists did when they greeted each other. "Hello." He said, "Nice to meet you."

Now it was my turn to be unsure. Did he want me to take his hand? Whenever I had touched someone in the lab they had flinched away, and they always used plastic gloves when handling me.

I must have looked at his hand too long because Lance looked surprised, then abashed. "Oh..." He said, drawing his hand away. I suddenly felt like I had done the wrong thing, so without really thinking it through, I cautiously stuck out my hand.

"Hello," I said, trying to imitate what Lance had said. "Nice... to meet... you?" Lance looked shocked, surprised, then he started laughing, little burbles of mirth that sounded unlike anything I had ever heard before, I wanted to hear more.

He clasped his hand in mine, and shook gently, a look of amused wonder on his face. "So you can talk..." He murmured. Then, "I'm sorry, but can I touch your ears?" Hunk and Pidge made little warning noises, but I didn't mind. His look was sincere and his hand was warm, if foreign, in mine. I nodded hesitantly.

With his free hand, Lance tentatively reached up and gently stroked my ear. It quivered under his touch, and Lance gasped in awe. His fingers felt soft and nice, though touch itself was alien to me, actual, genuine, non-abusive touch.

I closed my eyes and felt a weird, rumbly sensation in my throat. All three of the others gasped. "He's purring..." Hunk whispered. I had no idea what 'purring' was, but it felt right. Something I had never done and felt like I should have done, a lot.

Much too soon, Lance stopped and started scrutinising me, but not, I thought, in a bad way.

"Man, you need a serious makeover." He muttered. "Have you ever seen yourself?"

Myself? Seen myself? I shook my head, turning to look at Hunk or Pidge for help. What did Lance mean?

Lance turned incredulously towards Pidge. "Okay, bathroom, now." 


   I looked at the reflective glass. In it stood Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and a short, purple boy. It had a grey jumpsuit on, short cut black hair, large fluffy ears, golden eyes and a curious expression.

Was that... I moved my arm. So did the boy. I twitched my ear. So did the boy. Was this... me?

I walked up close to the glass and leaned in, turning this way and that, scrutinising every bit of this 'me'.

I had never seen myself; not really. Warped reflection in metal and a faint image in glass, normal glass was all I had to know what I looked like, apart from looking down, that is.

How Far I'll Go (For You) [KLANCE] - COMPLETED :)Where stories live. Discover now