Chapter One: Lucy

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting in the guild talking to Mira when Natsu came storming in with a blonde next to him. Happy looked around and spotted me. He flew towards me as Mira walked around to greet the blonde. Happy snuggled into my chest as he munched on his fish. I looked back to see Natsu looking at Happy and I. I looked back at my drink and continued to talk with Happy. I watched as Mira talked with the new girl. She felt someone looking at her as she turned around to look at me, she got sent flying with Elfman on top of her as she was about to wave me over. I giggled and turned around to watch the guild fight. I saw Cana about ready to get into the fight with her cards ready. I laughed and then turned back to my drink, I looked down at Happy to see him staring at me.

"How come you always go on solo missions and never tell us?" I sighed and started to play with the straw in my drink. "You know we really care about you..." Happy said quietly while looking down.

"By we you mean you? The guild thinks I'm weak so what's the point of even trying to go on a job with you guys, besides without Lis here I'd rather do solo jobs. You, Lis, Gramps, Erza, and Mira are the only people, well cat, who know my powers. To everyone else, I just have charm magic." Happy looked at me as I was talking. Happy about to say something when Gramps stopped the fight.

"Oh, Master I didn't know you were here," Mira said dusting her dress off. I heard a gasp as the Blonde looked at Gramps.

"THAT'S THE MASTER?!!!" I heard the new girl say, as everyone backed away from Gramps. Natsu jumped in front of everyone breathing fire.

"Ha look at them all scared. I win!!!!!" He yelled as Gramps crushed him with his hand. I laughed as Happy flew out of my grasp to help Natsu. Gramps heard me laughing and looked to where the noise came from. He went back to normal size and walked over to me. I looked down at him and pointed to the blonde. Everyone watched the interaction as he looked at the Blonde.

"Welcome back (Y/N)... How was the job?" He asked looking back at me. I shrugged and smiled.

"Easy as Always," I said quietly so only Gramps could hear. He laughed and then walked over to the Blondie. I looked back to my drink and saw Mira standing in front of me. She smiled and refilled my drink. I thanked her and looked to see the blonde walking towards us. She smiled at Mira and completely ignored me. I sighed and looked at my drink while playing with my choker with a ruby attached to it. Mira looked at me playing with the ruby and then looked back to the blondie.

"Hey Lucy, This is my best friend (Y/N), (Y/N) this is the new member Lucy." I looked at her and smiled sticking my hand out for a handshake. She looked at Mira and then me. She turned around and walked away. I sighed and turned to look at Mira. She gave me a sympathetic smile as she continued to wash the dishes. I turned around as Happy flew over to us again.

Happy's POV

I watched as Lucy walked away from (Y/N) without saying a word. Lucy walked up to us. I looked at Natsu to see him eating meat.

"Look Natsu! Mira gave me my guild mark." She said showing us. Natsu looked up and nodded.

"That's Nice Luigi" I stifled a laugh as I flew towards (Y/N) and Mira. I heard Lucy yelling about how her name was Lucy. I felt Natsu watch me fly towards the bar. I landed next to (Y/N) and asked for fish. Mira laughed as she went to get me my fish. I looked at (Y/N) to see her looking at me with a slight smile.

"Why aren't you with Natsu and that Luigi girl." I laughed at her and shook my head. I looked back to see Natsu staring at (Y/N) and I while Lucy is trying to talk to him. I was about to say something when I heard Romeo yelling at Master. I looked at (Y/N) to see her already looking at the two. Romeo punched Master and ran out. As soon as he got to the door. (Y/N) jumped out of her seat to run after him. Gramps watched (Y/N) run after him and smiled.

"What happened? Why did she run after him?" I heard Lucy ask Mira. Mira sighed and looked at her.

"Well (Y/N) is a very caring person, She will put everyone above herself and try to make everyone happy. She may seem weak and a bit strange but there is more to her then you think. I have known her for a long time and I always learn something new about her." Mira continued to talk as Natsu stood up and walked out of the guild. I flew with him as Lucy ran after us. We saw (Y/N) with Romeo in her arms crying. I flew ahead and landed on her head. Natsu looked at her and then at Romeo.

"Hey, Romeo... I promise to bring your dad back." He said as he ruffled his hair. He glanced at (Y/N) to see her smiling at Romeo.

"Come on Happy. Let's go get Macao back!!!" He yelled as he ran off. I looked at (Y/N) as Lucy finally caught up with us.

"Aye sir!!!!!" I yelled flying after him. I turned around to see (Y/N) and Romeo watching us run off. I turned around and got into the carriage.

Time Skip to after they get Macao

(Y/N)'s POV

Romeo and I were sitting on the steps of his house when I heard someone yell his name. I looked up and saw Natsu with Macao. I looked down at Romeo to see him climb down the stairs and tackle his dad. I smiled and stood up. I walked over to them and waved at Macao. He looked at me and mouthed Thank You. I shook my head and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and waved to the others. I started to walk away when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see Natsu. I pulled my wrist from his grasp and looked at him. I gave him a questioning look as he looked about ready to say something when Lucy yelled for him to come on. I smiled and walked to Lis' grave that Natsu and I made. I bent down and placed new flowers on it. I sat down and arranged the flowers on the grave.

"Hey Lis... It's me. I just wanted to say hi and tell you about the guild... Everyone misses you and I know that you are not dead. I can feel it I know you are alive somewhere but I don't know where." I sniffled as I wiped the tears that were starting to stream down my face. "I miss you and it's not the same without you. Why did you have to leave me, everyone treats me like I'm invisible except a select few. And then there is a new member her name is Lucy and I am not very fond of her but she seems like a nice person if she were to talk to me. Nothing the same without you." I said as I lay down next to the grave. I continued to talk about the guild and what has happened knowing full and well that she can't hear me.

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