A Walk In The Park? Yeah Right..

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3rd POV


The sun was shining through my small window. You looked around your empty room listening to the fighting of my little siblings. 
'Geez, they're annoying..' You thought then stretched and changed your clothes into a short light pink dress because it was hot outside and you just felt like dressing up. (Picture at the top!). Finally you put the front of you hair back with a little pink ribbon holding it in place.

You then went out of your room and turned left seeing your parents standing around the kitchen

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You then went out of your room and turned left seeing your parents standing around the kitchen. You left Cocoa in your room to sleep a bit more till you leave later to go out.
"Good morning" you said smiling to your parents.
"Good morning Y/n," your mom said kissing you on the forehead.
"Can I go out and explore a little? I'll bring my phone with me!" You pleaded.
"Yes, but don't go too far and make sure to be back before lunch so we can go out to eat." She instructed.
"Yes! Okay! See you soon!" You kissed her on the cheek and ran to your room with a big smile. You grabbed your small white purse and sketch book along with some pencils. "Come on Cocoa Lets go outside!" You shouted in a whisper to her.
"Okay okay... you never go outside, you must be excited to see Paris!" She giggled at you, you laughed too.
"Of course I am, I loooooove exploring new places!" You held out the 'o' showing your were really excited. "Now get in this bag! I have apples in there!"
"Yay!.. Ew.. Your money smells gross..." You giggled at her.
"Well that money is for my breakfast. Now shh I'm going out." Cocoa did as she was told while quietly chewing on the apple slices as I walked outside with everything I needed in my hands. 'Purse. Check. Sketch book. Check. Pencils. Check. Pens. Check. Money. Check. Phone. Check.' You ran that list through your head double checking everything you brought.
As you walked down the streets you noticed a small bakery then you stomach growled making your kwami giggle at you.
You walked in and was instantly hit with a sweet smell. "Ooo..." you admired the yummy macaroons sitting in a glass case on the counter. You've only had them once with your cousin and they tasted so amazing.
"Hello, my names Sabine! What would you like, honey?" A middle aged women asked me smiling along with her husband I assume, that's standing next to her. "O-oh.. hello I'm Y/n. And these look really amazing! Can I have two blueberry macaroons and one donut, please?" You smiled at them.
"Yes, of course dear" Sabine smiled and told "Tom" her husband to get them for me. I then payed them with a smile and got my food. I left and turned a corner where i saw a park. I went over and sat on a bench under a tree. I split the donut in half and gently put it into the bag again, I also put cocoa in there so she could eat the other half of it. I looked around smiling at the beautiful trees and the large fountain right in the center of it. I got out my sketch book, pencil, headphones and my phone. I opened my book to the next clean page, turned on a good song and began drawing while finishing my half of the donut.
About 20 minutes later I was almost done with the picture then I finally noticed that I had drawn all the people in the park but one person stood out so clearly. I looked up from my drawing to the boy that I drew in it. He was blonde, about 5'6 and seemed kinda cute. He looked like he was having a photoshoot right now... 'Wait.. did I draw him having the photoshoot?' I looked down at the paper and sure enough I did.. Fuc-
"Hey!" A girl yelled pointing a cain like thing at me. She looked like nothing I've ever seen! She was slimy and purple?... Ew, not the greatest fashion sense but okay...
"M-Me?" I asked pointing to myself. She nodded. "Well.. did you have a question?" i asked slightly shaking.
"Indeed I do. How would you like to be my loyal servant?" She asked grinning. I almost laughed but she looks serious..
"I-I'm sorry.. I really can't-" i tried to say.
"DISOBEYING ME? YOU WILL BE PUNISHED FOR THIS ACT OF TREASON!" She shouted about to throw a slime ball at me. I curled up a little and raised my hands over my head and ducked.. not that it would protect me but.. whatever. Then something strong picked me up. It felt like arms and wore leather then I look up to see a boy staring down at me smiling.. I blushed a little and he noticed...I think.
"U-Um thank you s-sir.." i looked away not knowing what to do. He then set me down and smiled again.
"Don't worry about it and my name's Chat Noir, who might you be m'lady?" He winked kissing the back of my hand.
"Y/n.. Y/n L/n." You smiled a little at his act of kissing you on the hand. You've never been treated like this, you've only read about things like this in books!
"Well Y/n find somewhere safe to hide until this fight is done. I'll come and get you when we're done so I can get you back to your things. Ado, mon chéri~" he winked and jumped up onto the building with the help of his baton.

~time skip to after the fight bc your authors lazy~

I was peeking out from the ally I was hiding in. The cat boy in black leather with a black ears was fighting that slime girl along with another person that was dressed in a ladybug suit with a matching mask and earrings. Before Chat Noir got me I guess Cocoa climbed into the top part of my dress hiding. I kept watching the ladybug and chat noir then the slime girl was finally defeated and the ladybug turned everything back to normal. Cocoa kept whispering about how I was supposed to be helping them but I ignored her and kept watching them. I guess Chat Noir noticed me and smirked waving in my direction. I blushed and turned around quickly holding my chest.
"Oooo, do I see a crush maybe?" Cocoa smirked.
"What!?" I whispered yelled. "N-no so don't even.. hide he might come back!" Cocoa hid back in my chest pocket and I looked around the corner to be face to face with the one and only Chat Noir... "Ah!" I shrieked with a high pitched voice and accidentally bonked heads with him. "Ow.. s-sorry Chat Noir.." I apologized quietly. He chuckled at me.
"It's alright mon chéri" he smiled. 'What does mon cherry mean?' I thought saying it wrong in my head. Chat Noir saw the confused look my my face and chuckled again. "Your new to Paris aren't you Y/n" He asked taking my hand and helping me stand up. I blushed and nodded in response. "Well, well... I guess I can tease you a bit, can't I ma belle?" He teased which made me blush and put on my mad face which wasn't scary in the slightest..
"N-No! You can't!" I told him while we walked back to the park I was once at. "Aw.. I'll do it anyway though" he smirked and I let out a small giggle. "So.. you and that ladybug girl are superheroes of Paris? That's so cool! Why would you even talk to me like this if you're so popular?" You asked giggling as you picked up your sketch book.. and of course chat noir had to see the picture of that boy I was drawing..
"yeah, why wouldn't I talk to you? Whoa! You can draw?!" He asked taking the book from my hands. "Yeah.. a little" I smiled embarrassed. Then I heard a loud beep that came from his ring i think. I looked at him confused.
"It means I have to go before I change back. I'll see you soon again, Y/n!" he got out his staff and started running off. "Goodbye, mon chéri!" He yelled loud enough for me to hear and I waved at him smiling.
"Goodbye, kitty.." I said to myself smiling and putting my things away holding my book in hand.
"Are you sure you don't have a crush, Y/n?" Asked my little kwami from between my breasts. I dont know why she likes it in there so much but she mostly just sits between my breasts.. maybe it's just warm and comfy?.. 'that actually sounds nice.... boob pillows..... ' I thought to myself then giggled at my weird thoughts.
"Nope, Sorry" I giggled then checked my phone looking at all the texts I got from my parents.... how will I explain this to them... ugh.

And that's where I'll end the chapter for now! Until tomorrow my beautiful babes~
~Author J~

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