like mother like daughter

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So, if u are all wondering, my life is a total cliché! I mean ma daddy is god, and my mommy is goddess, and ya know what god + goddess = ME! I am like the only one who they actually gave birth to instead of created with magic like those revolting humans! No offense to the humans reading this as of this moment though (u guys are amazing)! Anyway, well when I met my mommy, we just clicked! I mean we both got irritated with dad(god), we looked alike, we had the same interests, and she was my mother! I can't believe dad did not tell about my own mother. Right now, I was laying on my bed. The sun had not shone yet, and I couldn't sleep. Probably dad, nervous about when I give him a earful. I was so bored, the duke, or as I like to call him "Daddy,"cause I already have a dad made sure I was bored out of my mind. I mean all I did today was ettiquite lessons or manners at a dinner party or being social 101. If I was in charge, I would say... SREW THEM ALL! I spent 95 years as a queen of the greatest empire in Zealondia, I think I don't need the lessons. I have so much life experience, that when my teachers say, "Child, I lived longer than you. I know more about life than you do." I would just be laughing on the floor and say "Bitch, I have more than a 100 lifetimes of expierence, watch u sayin!" She would probably have no idea what I am talking about, but I just needed to say it. My mum told me, she will talk to daddy and get the tutors of my back for a while if I agreed to teach her my manicure magic trick I learned when I was Cleopatra." I just gave mum the most bored look ever and said. "Sure.." But I burst out laughing and so did she! My mother knows me so well. I just realized that I was thinking so deep that I forgot where I was. Does that ever happen to you? When you just think so much, and then realize that u thinked so much and then thinked about how you were thinking a lot! Any who... I bet u are all wondering what happened to the party. Well it got postponed till this evening. Apparently, some amazingly, stealthy, beautiful, cool, so not hooligan, spy sneaked to the castle and destroyed the deco! I definately don't know who that was (wink, wink). I also know you're wondering how a 1 year old could manage that. The spy who was a 1 year old got help from very powerful magic! I have till the evening to get ready, and I don't want to play dress up, so I told my mother that I'm going to hide until an hour before we leave and get ready my self. My mother will pretend to be worried for me, honestly she is never worried. I have enough magic to annihilate realities! I checked the newest invention, a clock t see the time. The NEWEST! This world is so outdated! It was 8:00 a.m. so I ran out to our yard. More like miles and miles of a magical forest for me to practice my magic. I still wasn't out of my nightgown but what the heck! It has been a long time since I thought about the capture targets. The game I played in my past life said they were some of the most powerful beings on this world! At first I freaked, but mum told me my survival guide for this world! It was mother daughter bonding sunday-day! She taught me how to reactivate my magic to it's true and real potentional and power! Now that I'm the most powerful person in this world I don't need to worry about anything! My combat is to rival even the most ferocious, willed, strong, and powerful army! I am truly not worried about anything so I might as well just chill. I decided to get some breakfast, so I imagined a table, plate, spoons, etc and thought of cocoa pancakes! They are the best! When I opened my eyes, it appeared in front of my eyes, so I ate!


It's not like 3:00 and I had the best time of my life! I summoned my Ipad from dad's kingdom and watched anime on it like no tomorrow! I did not want to go back, but I had an hour left so II decided to make the most of it before I got ready! ANIME! ANIME! ANIME! YAAAAAAAA!  

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