Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"How can she deserve it?" I asked pushing my hair over my shoulder.

"Well what if it's the universe's way of getting back at her for talking shit about people. People like us."

"She talks shit about us?"

"Totally. She always calls you names like 'slut' and 'whore' behind your back." Emily looked at me. "She's even friends with Ashley and Danielle."

When it was time for third period I saw Rylee talking to May and Renna. May and Reena were both popular girls and both friends with Ashley, so I was a bit surprised.

I took my seat and looked behind me. Ethan was writing down answers to his homework. He seemed like he was struggling with a problem, he kept erasing his answer over and over.

I tapped his arm. He looked up at me.

"Answer's 69." I whispered.

"Thank you." He whispered back smiling. He wrote down the answer. I turned around as our teacher walked into class. She sat down at her desk and got on her phone.

I  rolled my eyes.

So we were having on of those days again.

People looked at each other and smiled. If she got on her phone they knew what that meant. It meant we weren't gonna do anything for the next hour. People immediately started talking. Rylee got up and kept talking to May and Reena. Emily got on her own phone and I read my book.

"Whatcha reading?" I heard a voice say. I smiled to myself and closed my book. I turned around.

"The Bluest Eye." I responded to Ethan's question.

"Is it good?" He asked.

"Yes. I find it very interesting." I told him.

He grabbed the book from and put my bookmark in it.

"More interesting than me?" He asked.

I grabbed my book form him and nodded. I opened my book.

"Why won't you talk to me?" He asked putting his head down on the desk.

"It's payback. For yesterday." I kept reading.

"You are petty." Ethan said laughing.

"I know." I said flipping the page.

He stuck his lip out and crossed his arms.

"Shouldn't have played with me like that, bro." I told him slugging him in the arm.

"I'm your bro now?" He asked.

"You know it bro." I said.

He laughed again and sat himself in the seat next to me.

"Baby, pay attention to me." He whined. I pulled my book up to my face.

He pulled it down, he grabbed it from my hands, put my bookmark in the page, and grabbed my hands.

"So, Ashley invited me to her party." He said.

"You goin'? I asked.

He stroked the back of my hand.

"No. We got plans." He said smirking.

"What plans do you know about that I don't?" I asked him.

"Remi Adams, I'm taking you on a date. We are gonna go get pizza and I'm gonna make you try pineapple pizza. Then we are gonna go home and watch movies and cuddle." He declared.

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