Chapter 40

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A gasp escapes my lips, as multiple snakes begin to surround me. I struggle to get free, as a dark smirk forms on Selina's face. I clench my fists, wishing that Jax was here. Although I'm one of the most powerful fairies to ever exist, I still wish he would save me.

The fairies immediately fire orbs of magic at Selina, as the green-haired female holds up her hand and blocks their attacks. "Now, scram," Selina says darkly, as the fairies hurriedly fly away.

I shoot a glare at her. "Why are you doing this?"

"The Trixs refuse to give me any real power, so I'll take the power of the water stars," she states. I eye her cautiously, as the snakes tighten their grasp around me. No one has ever tried to take my powers before. A smirk forms on my lips, as I meet her gaze.

"Good luck with that," I say in amusement. "You'll never get my power without my permission. The only way you can achieve the water stars is if you kill me." Her eyes widen in terror, as she clenches her fists in pure desperation.


"I don't think you have it in you, Selina," I mock, as she scowls in annoyance. She shoots a glare at me, before making a book appear out of thin air. I stare at the book with wide eyes. That's the Legendarium, isn't it?

"I can do it!"

"Spiraling water from the infinite ocean!" I state, as a beam of water charges at her. Selina gasps in surprise, as the attack launches her into the wall. The snakes around me vanish, as I float above the ground.

"I-I'll be back...!" Selina shrieks, before disappearing into thin air. I roll my eyes in annoyance, before chuckling to myself. If she doesn't have the courage to kill me, then she's not a real witch.

After that, I head outside and rejoin the others. Stormy sends a beam at Tecna, which launches her to the ground. "I've had about enough of this!" I declare, capturing everyone's attention. "Sparkling water!"

A beam races towards them, knocking the witches to the ground. "That was amazing, Aqua!" Musa states, nodding in my direction. I intently stare at the Trixs, who are laying on the ground.

"The battle isn't over yet," Rena points out. I nod in agreement, before landing in front of the Trixs. Stella and Flora position themselves on both sides of me, having stern looks on their faces. "I'll make you regret that, Water Fairy," Icy states.

I narrow my eyes at them, as she clenches her fists in desperation. "That's enough, Icy," I say sharply. "You've lost. Return to Cloud Tower and leave Tir Nan Og, or I'll make you regret it." Her eyes flash dangerously, as she quickly gets to her feet.

"Who do you think you are!?" She exclaims. "If you keep talking that way, I'll kill you!" I roll my eyes in annoyance, knowing that was an empty threat. Although they're real witches, they enjoy fighting us too much to kill us.

"Toxic wind," says Rena, who sends an orb at a necklace on Icy's neck. The necklace shatters into a million pieces, as the white-haired witch's eyes widen in horror. "Witches, let's get out of here!" She declares.

Seconds later, the witches disappear into thin air. "We did it!" Bloom cheers, before engulfing Stella in a hug. Tecna exchanges a look with Musa, before grinning. Aisha nods in Rena's direction, as I give Roxy a high-five.

Suddenly, the wands appear before us. I extend my hand, as the wand floats into my hand. My eyes light up, as excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. A new energy washes over me, as I stare at the wand in amazement. Because we managed to defeat the Trixs yet again, we unlocked the power of Mythix.

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