•^• Sister? •^•

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/Back at the palace/

      “hahahaha, he laughs hysterically as the queen Delphine looks at him with confusion in her eyes regarding his behaviour, “nice one mother, you got me there, I have to admit though, that was epic,can't believe I almost fell for your joke”.
       “Do I seem like one to joke with you on such trivial matters, prince moire”, she says acidly, her expression unreadable, “wait, you're actually serious about me having a sister?”, he asks and Delphine nods.
     “When and how did this happen mother? I mean I grew up believing I was your only child, I thought you only ever loved my father", prince moire gets up from his seat and starts pacing unable to comprehend what he just heard.
       Delphine sighs as she struggles to find the words she could use to best explain things to her son.
      “Would you sit down and let me explain while the head of the elite gladiators is still on her way here with her escorts, she commands and he reluctantly lounges on a sit urging his mom to continue.
       “Before I met your father, back when I was still a princess and your grandmother was queen, I was sent to earth on a mission that lasted for months. Being on a journey to a place I knew nothing about, I needed guidance, that was how I met him, Liam. He helped me with everything I needed even though he didn't know what they were being used for. He trusted me and that was what attracted me to him”, moire sits up, his interests obviously piqued by what he was hearing while she continues.
      “One night we had gone for a swim at the beach, on my birthday precisely, he took me on a date. We went swimming and we were having so much fun and he kissed me. At first he thought that he had angered me because I didn't say anything after he had pulled away from me. He started blabbering nonsense so I shushed him by returning his kiss”, her hands unconsciously graze her lips as the memories flicker through her mind.
       She drops her hands with instant speed when she realized where they were. “you still love him, don't you? ”, he asks when he noticed her reaction, she merely offers him a smile.     
       “So after I returned his kiss, we made out”, Moire's eyes widen in shock and he bursts into a fit of laughter. “ I AM so sorry mother, i am, but who would ever believe that Queen Delphine ei da Luna of the continent frontier in Erialon, would make out on the seas with her lover”,  moire winks at her and colour rushes to Delphine's face.
        “oh my goodness, mother? Are you.... You're blushing??!!! ”, Delphine scowls at her son's remark, “do you want me to continue with my story or do you want to keep making fun of me while I leave you to laugh at your jokes”, moire immediately shuts up seeing as he hit a nerve.
       “While we were making out, we failed to notice the storm that was ahead until it closed in on us”, her head drops a notch as she continues, “he was slipping away from me. I searched for his heart beat through the waters, when I found it I knew he couldn't hang on the surface for much longer, then I took a risk and did what I was not supposed to do”. 
        Moire gazes into space thinking of the worst thing an Erialonian could do that could possibly.... It dawns on him,“ mother?.. No,you couldn't.... Tell me you didn't”.
      Pain flickers through her eyes for a moment and is replaced by a stoic hardened gaze, “Using my powers I manipulated the seas and brought him ashore. I wanted to lie to him about what he saw but it was no use, he had already seen it.
          “Am guessing this is where he tells you he wants nothing to do with you anymore? ,now it was Delphine's turn to laugh,“well if he said that then your sister won't be able to be to come into the picture now would she”,  she says amidst laughter, “so he didn't leave?”, moire sat up, really interested in what his mother had to say next.
       “No, Liam wasn't that naive. He told me that he wasn't leaving me for anything in the world and then few weeks after he asked me to marry him”, Moire's mouth drop open in surprise. She smiles fumbling with the hem of her dress like a teenager who fell in love for the first time.
       “So we got married, had your elder sister shortly after. We were so happy and personally I couldn't have asked for anything more. But then things changed, my mother died and I was asked to return to erialon to claim the throne seeing as I was the only child and the kingdom was on the brick of collapsing. The kings were at war with indecision on who to take over the kingdom”, her head droops further.
         “I didn't tell Liam about it, I couldn't. I planned to leave by night fall, when i was sure they were all asleep. I had already packed my things and was about to walk out the front door when your sister saw me. I forgot that she loved midnight snacks especially when she couldn't sleep”, she chuckles, “you can imagine the look of horror in her eyes when she saw me walking out the front door, a tear drops from her eye, emotions flooding her mind.
      “I had to put her to sleep using magic so that I could get here on time to prevent the leaders from destroying themselves in a fit of stupidity”, she takes out an embroidered napkin and dabs at her tears.
        “when I claimed the throne, advisors  pressured me to get married, but I couldn't put my kingdom into the hands of a man that I didn't love, regaining her composure she continues,“that's where your father comes in, king Geirant emperor of the kingdom foirami. He became so close to me, not as a lover but as a companion, seeing as the woman he loved and wanted to marry was taken by death during the disorder after the passing on of the former queen. I trusted him enough to tell him about my daughter and my ex husband, he respected my decision to not get married.
        “The continent was celebrating its annual liberation from the hybrids”, she stood up and walked to the window, “your father stayed behind to keep me company. We danced and drank, making merry, unfortunately we had a little to much to drink and I think you can guess what happened next”.
        Sighing and rubbing the creases on his brow, moire speaks up, “ mother, no offence but you have a weird love life. But what is done is done, who am I to judge.
        He rises to his full length, “but you still haven't said anything about the crown”, confused she asked, “what do you mean by the statement you just made”, moire shrugs and continues, “what I mean is, she is my elder sister and she has every right to claim the throne, your blood runs through her veins, what happens to me and all the work I've put in to making that throne a reality for me?”.
        “moire, your sister is in danger and could possible be hurt, and all you're thinking of right now is a throne whose occupant is not dead yet?”, Delphine's voice raises octaves higher with each word that proceeds from her mouth. Moire steps back, knowing full well he might have angered his mom.
        “prince moire Luna of the central continent,I do believe that this is not how I raised you”,  yep, he just got into trouble, she never uses his full name and title unless she was extremely mad at him,she leaves the window and walks towards him, the wind current in the room changing so much that it could cause a hurricane but for some reason she held her peace, maybe so the maids wouldn't have to clean her mess up.
        “I'll be the one to decide who is worthy enough to sit on my throne after I am gone, and that person will have the well being of Erialon as a whole at heart. Now let me ask you a question”, moire flinches at his mother remarks, damn she's got a temper, he reflects taking another step back, from which he slips and falls landing on his butt. He continues to crawl backwards as Delphine inches closer, “if your sister is dying and all you're thinking of is an non vacant throne, what kind of a king does that make you? Maybe when you've grown some erialonity in you i might consider having this discussion with you”.
       With that anger out of her way, Delphine makes her way to the exit of the throne room. Moire releases his head and his knees unbuckle as relief floods him from the punishment he just received,I wonder how she has that much power, he sucks in a deep breath, its like drilling needles into your mind, slowly and painfully, and all that with just wind? I wonder what her fire will be like, he ponders whilst trying to get a grip on himself.
       Finally he regains his composure and straightens his rumpled clothes due to his unavoidable roll on the floor in attempt to shield his ears from his mother's wrath, but damn, she has a temper. He exits the throne room.

Hey again, Now I don't know if the story is to your liking and what you think about the characters so far, 'cause am the author and I can't view it the way you readers would view it. So hit the comments section and give me a hint of what you expect, what you've seen so far and what you don't like, and DON'T FORGET TO LIKE.
Queen Delphine - Nadia's mom.
Prince moire - Nadia's half brother.
Liam - Delphine's ex husband.
Erialon - Delphine's kingdom
Emperor Geirant - governor of the fire nation and prince moire's father.
Kingdom foirami - fire frontier.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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