•°• Nightmare or memory •°•

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I  know you guys might be thinking "its just like one of those other fictions " or "she is a scam" or "its a fanfic its never gonna live up to it's name ", am sorry am gonna have to ask you to hold your horses for a minute and hear me out here okay.
I may not be as amazing as other writers at the moment but am not fake.
Now the only way I can be as good as the writers you love, if not better (no offence y'all), is if you give this story a chance. I can guarantee you by Gods grace,  this story is gonna live up to your expectations if not surpass it.
I don't do fan fictions 'cause its like a spoiler to the original story and to me it sorta ruins the fun and fantasy that the original writer wanted to create. So please I wont be happy to find fan fictions of this book anywhere without my consent.
No pirating of this book either, that's illegal y'all, so do me a favour and make your own story, I repeat, DON'T STEAL MY IDEAS FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT.
I intend this to be a series that runs through five books if not more but I'll only be encouraged to continue if you vote for this book by clicking the star just at the end of each chapter of this book and also leaving your comments in the comment section as well.
I'm just starting, so there might be some mistakes, typographical errors, misspelt words, am gonna plead with you to overlook them and read on, nobody is perfect 🙏🙏
I may make some changes to the book and update previous chapters some times so am gonna ask ahead that you forgive me for that
Last but not least, I love you all, especially you, for deciding to view this book thereby giving it a chance 💋 💋 💗 😘 😘  that's for you for being the best reader ever. So am gonna leave you to it, God speed, okay one last kiss 💋

      I jerk out of bed as my alarm goes off, whew just a dream, I sigh in relief as I wiped off sweat from my forehead which I didn't know was there. Well its not actually a dream seeing as it actually happened, memory is the word, I think to myself as I recall that night that always haunted me.

            “mom? ”, I half screamed as I saw momma making her way to a wide opened door with a black sling bag. Whipping her head in time and with urgency, she shushed me, using her fingers to beckon for me to come over to her.
        “be careful with the stairs! ”, she whisper screamed at me as I almost lost my footing on my way down, damn am clumsy, I thought whilst managing to balance myself and avoid impact with the ground
           “mom, what are you doing, its almost 2am in the morning and why do you have a sling bag with you? ”i asked, scrutinizing her appearance while I was at it, Nadia, baby am going away for a few days, I'll be home soon”, she replied, looking as innocent as she could.
        Something ain't right, yep, I could smell it, “dad knows about this? ”i asked deciding to satisfy the devil in me.
          of-of course, yea he does ”, she says In a hurry and ding went the bulb.
          “mum, am a thirteen year old teenager in junior high, if you're gonna lie to me you gotta learn to improvise or even do it better, and seeing as that can't happen I'll give you two options ”, she stared at me in horrid realization that her cover had been blown.
       “you either tell me what's going on and I'll go back to my room, pretend I didn't see you tonight or I'll scream my lungs out and daddy will rush downstairs this minute, which is totally gonna ruin your whole plan, with that out of the way, choose”.
         Seeing as I wasn't gonna let the issue be she sighed“, okay fine, I am going away and no, your dad ain't aware because am not coming back”, I stared at her in shock and disbelief, now it was my turn to whisper scream, “ you're leaving?why?is it 'cause of dad, did you guys fight again? Is it 'cause of me? Don't you love me anymore? ”, now tears were freely streaming down my face, honey its not 'cause of you, I don't have time to explain but I am not safe here and I need to leave now otherwise I wont be able to make it on time for that portal to close”
           Now I think I'm hearing things“, what do you mean you're not safe? What portal?”, she rolled her eyes obviously tired of explaining, she unfastened the necklace I always saw her wore and put it on me, “you may not see me but I'll always be with you, whenever you're  in danger or you're sad just pull it out and call my name ”.
        I looked down at my gift, it was a water shaped pearl pendant with a strange red glow from the middle and emerald stones embedded round its edges, it was dangling on a silver chain, “I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do , momma loves you”, she looked straight into my eyes and I could see tear drops begin to form at the corner of her eyes, “do what?I don't... ”,  I was cut short as she enveloped me in a hug, her lips graze my ear with a loving kiss,seith leitatum, she whispered to my hearing as I felt the tears she had been holding drop down my back
         Black spots clouded my vision and I started falling like a sack of clothes to the floor.
        I felt her steady hands around my waist, preventing me from making impact with the ground, “what did you do to me? ”, I asked while she lifted me like her baby I was.
      “where are you taking me? ”i asked again when I didn't get an answer to my previous question, “your room”, she said and I heard the creaking of a door which made me guess we were there already.
       She laid me down, tucking me in and covering me with my duvet, she leaned in, planted a kiss on my head and said, “you'll feel better in the morning, although your head might hurt for sometime 'cause you're not used to this”, I felt the weight shift on the mattress as she stood to leave, “mom”, I whispered flailing my arms trying to grasp her but failed in the process, “my Nadia, momma loves you okay, don't you forget that ”, amidst her sobs those were the last words I heard from her as silence enveloped me and my vision blacked out into nothingness. 

             Ever since then I have always seen her in my dreams, “dreams?? She didn't even come for me, nightmare is more like it”, I mentally correct myself.Even though it was already five years since she abandoned me I still missed her presence.
          Holy shiznits, I paled glancing at my alarm clock, if I don't leave now am gonna miss the bus. With that in mind I jumped off the bed and headed straight to the shower. I didn't take too much time scrubbing as I had spent most of it reminiscing. I got out of the shower threw on the nearest outfit I could find, grabbed my bag and dashed down the stairs.
             Its gonna be a long day Nadia girl, I thought as I walked out the door and into the sunshine

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