Chapter 8 - Are You Nervous?

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We walk back to the table just as the camera crew arrives, we take out seats, order our food, and Zayn's mum looks over to him.

"I'm so very proud of you." She tells him, tears forming in her eyes. "You are choosing to do what you love, you have a wonderful girlfriend."

"That means a lot mum." He tells her, a tear runs down his cheek.

"Awe." I say and chuckle while doing so. I reach up and wipe away the tear that was on his cheek and he takes my hand in his, resting our hands on the table together.

"Diana, where are your parents?" Trisha asks me kindly.

"Oh, they're not around." I lie, squeezing Zayn's hand tighter.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Trisha says to me.

"It's fine, no one really knows." I finish saying that just as my phone goes off. I look at the caller ID to see its Niall. "I'll be right back."

"Okay, take your time." Zayn tells me. I get up waving to the camera crew and press answer when I get to an empty space.

"Niall?" I say.

"This is Niall's, brother. Greg." Says a man.

"Hi, I'm Diana." I say to him. "Is Niall there?"

"Right here." Niall says after there is shuffling on his end.

"Hi." I say.

"So umm, you're with Zayn?" He asks.

"Yeah." I confirm.

"Why?" He asks me.

"Niall, I'll explain back at the X Factor house." I tell him. I run my fingers trough my hair and sigh.

"Diana, what's going on with you and Zayn?" He asks me.

"Niall, I have to go." I say to him. I end the call and walk back to where Zayn is sitting. "We need to talk."

"Now?" He asks, worried.

"Laters fine." I tell him, I muster a smile through the rest of the dinner and then hold hands with Zayn, while walking back to the car. We sit in the back again and I lean my head on Zayn's shoulder.

"Everything okay?" He asks me quietly.

"Yeah." I lie to him.

"So Zayn, when do you leave?" His mum asks him.

"We sleep here tonight and tomorrow, Diana, has a hair appointment with someone from the X Factor. Then we leave after she finished." Zayn informs his mum.

"Don't go." Says Safaa.

"Safaa, I'll be back soon. I promise." He tells his little sister. We pull up outside of his house and head inside. I kick off my shoes, bringing them up to Zayn's room. "What did you need to talk about?"

"Oh umm, before you asked me to do all this me and Niall, we kissed." I tell Zayn quietly. "I don't know if the cameras caught it or not."

"Oh god." Zayn says.

"Yeah." I reply. Zayn sits down on his bed and I grab my pyjama shorts, and a tank. I change in the bathroom and when I reenter Zayn's room he's shirtless and in pyjama pants. "Look, Zayn. If it happens that the cameras did catch it, I'll take the blame."

"Diana, you can't do that." He tells me.

"I'm not going to throw Niall under the bus like that. He's not taking the fall for this." I tell Zayn. "And you're not letting him either."

Diana. (Book 1)A One Direction fan fiction.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя