Chapter 15 - We'd Be In So Much Trouble

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I wake up in Zayn's arms, we stayed up till five in the morning talking, sitting in silence, keeping each other company. It's been the first time in two months where I haven't felt alone.

This competition isn't just about the singing for Zayn, it's about trying to make money to do something good for his family. He told me about how he said he was gonna buy his mum a house. He promised he was going to buy her one, some day. He's here for the right reasons, he's here to live out his dream but he's also here to have fun, and he's here to support his family.

"Hey." Zayn says softly, snapping me out of my thought.

"Hey." I whisper, I lift my head off his chest and roll onto my stomach so that I'm able to look at him. "Thank you for staying with me last night."

"I'm not going to stop trying." He whispers.

"I know." I say softly, I kiss his cheek and lay my head back onto his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair and we lay in silence. "I miss them."

"I know. Di, it's okay not to be okay." He tells me.

"I know." I choke out. "I wish she was still here with me."

"She is, maybe not physically but she's here in your heart." He replies. He leans his head up and kisses my forehead.

"Diana!" Cheryl runs into the room and stops speaking immediately, throwing her hands over her eyes. Making both Zayn and I laugh. "I'm sorry I didn't realize Zayn was in here."

"Cheryl, it's okay to look, we're both fully dressed." Zayn tells her. Our legs may be tangled together and his arms around me, but nothing happened last night.

"What were you saying?" I ask quietly after sitting up.

"The man, umm Chris Jacobs." I stop breathing for a second when she says his name. "He went to prison on a murder charge."

"How long is he going to be in prison?" I manage to get out.

"Life, and there is no bail." She tells me. "That's good news right?"

"Yes." I say. She hugs me and Zayn looks confused.

"I'll leave you two." Cheryl says walking out.

"He drove the car." That's all the explanation Zayn needed. He sits up beside me and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my bare shoulder, since I'm wearing a tank top, lightly. I don't want to talk about this anymore, I can't talk about it anymore. "If Simon came in here right now."

"We'd be in so much trouble." Zayn says with a laugh.

"Yes we would." I agree. Zayn's phone starts ringing from my nightstand so he groans and grabs it, pressing the answer button.

"Hey mum... I'll be home as fast as I can... love you too, bye mum." He has tears in his eyes and I know something happened. He looks down, avoiding looking at me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask him softly. I place my hands on either side of his face and brush his hair out of his eyes.

"My grandpa, he passed away." He breaks down, I pull him into my arms and he cries into my shoulder. I don't say anything, I just hold him. When his tears start to fade, I pull away from the hug and wipe away the tears that are left on his face.

"I don't care about the show right now, I want you to go get your things and be with your family. Come back before the live show if you can, but you're family needs you right now." I tell him, he nods and we both get up. He takes my hand and I follow him as he leads me to the room he's sharing with One Direction. They weren't in their room as Zayn packs his bag, I sit there and fold the clothes he passes me. I start shivering and Zayn passes me his purple Jack Wills hoodie to put on. When he finishes packing, we head downstairs and he gives me one more hug.

"I have to find the guys." He says.

"I'll tell them, go be with your family." I tell him. He pulls me into another hug, places a kiss on my cheek, and walks out the door.

"Where did Zayn go?" Harry asks coming up the stairs from the game room.

"Can you get everyone in the lounge?" I ask, Harry nods without questioning it. He walks off and I head into the lounge. All the contestants and even the judges walk in. Everyone stares at me, waiting for me to talk. "About an hour ago, this morning, Zayn got a call from his mum. His grandfather passed away."

"What?" I hear a couple people gasp but I continue to talk.

"He went home to be with his family, knowing Zayn he's probably going to be back for the live show because he's not going to let you all down." I finish.

"Our full support goes out to him and his family." Simon says.

"I guess that's all. Cheryl, can I talk to you in the music room?" I ask and she nods. We walk there and I take a seat at the piano. "This week would it be possible to choose 'For The Nights I Can't Remember' by Hedley for my song?"

"I've never heard it, can you play it for me." I nod and start playing and singing the song, when I finish Cheryl looks at me happily.

"I think that song is perfect." She says. "Before this show I want you to go back to see Jake, he's going to dye your hair."

"What colour?" I ask.

"A natural ombré." She tells me with a smile.

"Can we dye it a golden brown? My friend wanted to see my natural hair colour and that's what it is." She nods making me smile.

This week, all of my support goes to Zayn and his family.

"You can go get it done right now." She says, I snap out of my thoughts and nod.

"I'll go see Jake, now." I tell her.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I have been checking my phone every five minutes, waiting for Jake to wash the dye out of my hair. I want to be there if Zayn texts or calls or needs me. I give up on waiting, opening the phone app, dialling Doniya's number.

"Hey, Diana." She says answering the voice, she sounds like she's trying to hold back tears, I don't blame her either. "I guess you heard."

"I was with Zayn when he got the phone call." I tell her. "He was going to go be with you guys."

"He hasn't shown up yet." She sighs.

"He left hours ago, he should be there by now." I say getting worried.

"I guess he decided to go drink this problem away." She says. "I've got to go help mum, bye Diana."

"Okay, I'm here if you need anything. Goodbye Doniya." I reply. I put my phone back on the table and let Jake wash the dye out of my hair. "Can I just put it up? I have to do something, it's important."

"Go." I guess he heard he urgency in my voice, I throw my hair up in a bun and take a taxi to Lucas' old place. I unlock the door and grab the car keys, I take a small bag and pack some of the clothes I left here in it. I head back downstairs and take a deep breath. I climb into the Black Range Rover, buckle my seatbelt, and start the car. I pull out of the driveway, starting on the long drive to Bradford.

Diana. (Book 1)A One Direction fan fiction.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora