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Your High School days, the one period of your life you wished to permanently eradicate from your memory, was without a doubt a painful reminder that there was no salvation for the human kind.

People are, and will always be, only interested in their own survival and nothing more.

They don't care who they hurt in the process to climb the food chain.

Maybe that was the reason you had severe trouble finding any kindness left in this cold colorless world.

You could not help but think of those happy days in which the wolrd was so full with hope. When you only needed so little to share a true smile.

Yet, all of those days came to a halt once you reached high school. The place in where you were both too smart and unpopular to fit in like the rest.

Those who came across you during those time did not care that you tried so hard in school  because a scholarship was your one and only chance to make it to university. Or that the reason why you couldn't afford fancy clothing was because your mom barely had money to pay the rent each and every month, no matter how hard she worked.

The only thing they cared about was themselves and what the rest thought of them.

Such selfish human beings.

The reason why your high school days were very dark, lonely, and filled with bullying.

The past had affected you so much, that even when your present shined bright like a diamond, you still felt left a little in the dark.

You were finally achieving evey single one of your goals, having been accepted into the university of your choice and finding a couple of girls you could call your friends, which meant your life was finally taking a turn for the better.

The color, which was still mostly gone, appearing in bits and pieces of your everyday life.

And smiling became something you could do more naturally.

Maybe you had no trust in the cold world that surrounded you, but you knew that it could no longer hurt you.

The fear was almost all gone.

Or that was what you thought until that rainy late afternoon in which you met the one person you sought not to see ever again.

Jeon Jungkook.

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