Partu Seventeenu

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Fanfic will be ending in a few chapters! ^•^ then I am making a two new stories (yes I'm still working on the Police AU) one about Mute Damian and a sequel ato the single dad AU. Enjoy!

Slowly, Damian started to recover. He wouldn't smile as much as before, even less than before he met Jonathan.

He laid in bed most of the time, only getting up to shower, use the bathroom, and eat.

It hurt Jon to see him like this, but he knew it was Damian's way to recover.

Which led us to now. A couple weeks later Dick finally got a doctor to see the young omega. Damian was not excited and neither was Jon, what if their worst fears came true?

Jon didn't think Damian could handle it. Especially that.

So, they got into Dick's Prius and sat in silence for fifteen minutes, Jon's hand holding Damian's tightly.

The big brick building with happy little letters that read "Alpha-Omega-Beta Family Hospital" appeared in front of them, causing Damian to tense incredibly.

Jon rubbed his arm and whispered sweet nothings into the boy's ear. They got out and walked inside and up to the counter.

"Appointment for Damian Grayson." Dick told the secretary. For public appointments they always used Dick's last name as he was the official guardian (and also it made Damian happy).

She typed something on the computer and frowned at the reason before letting out a soft sigh. "Doctor Fritz will see you now in room 210." She pointed to the longer hallways destined for Omegas.

Dick placed a hand on Damian's shoulder and gently lead him down the hall. They walked into the room and Damian sat on the bed with scared eyes, Jon felt his heart hurt at the sight.

Doctor Fritz walked in a few minutes later, "So you must be Damian! I'll need you to take this cup and go to the bathroom, then I'll send it to my nurses for testing. In the meantime I'd like to talk to your guardian and mate about plans." He informed, handing Damian a plastic cup.

Damian cringed before reluctantly going to the adjoined bathroom, locking the door.

Dick faced the doctor, "So, What is it?"

"If he is indeed with child I need to know where he would be staying and if his mate would be in the picture." Doctor Fritz explained.

Dick nodded, "He will stay with me, and Jon will obviously be in the picture." He looked over to the alpha, "I hope."

Jonathan jumped before nodding quickly, "Yes! Of course!" He gasped out. He was so nervous.

Doctor Fritz nodded and smiled, "That's good. Thank you." He grinned seeing Damian walk out with the cup.

Damian had a very annoyed expression and crossed his arms as Fritz left the room. "I don't like this place."

Dick smiled, "It's only to make sure you're okay." He assured, rubbing his arm.

The omega nodded and hugged Dick tightly. His big brother was very assuring. Not that Jon wasn't, but Jon was still only a teen himself. He couldn't be sure.

After their hug Jon held Damian's hand on a gentle grip, talking to him to keep him calm.

Minutes later the doctor walked back in with the results, "Okay! So good news! You're not pregnant!"

Everyone in the room sighed heavily in relief, Damian tearing up as he did so.

"Bad news is that you're extremely dehydrated and not having enough nutrients."

"That's my fault... I was too depressed to move." Damian admitted.

Doctor Fritz nodded knowingly, "That's okay. I prescribed some vitamins to help you out and you need to take two a day. One in the morning and one at night. Also, be sure to have at least three cups of water and eat meals with a lot of beef or chicken. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Good! You're good to go, just be sure to call if you need a refill."

They signed out at the front counter before getting in the car. Jon was rambling on about how relieved he was for Damian and how he promised he would take care of him.

Before Damian grabbed his collar and yanked him down, cutting him off with a sweet kiss.

After a few moments Damian pulled away and gave him a small smile, "I know."

Sorry this is late! I was super busy with work and final exams!

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