Alpha x Beta ②

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Today was the day. Dick Grayson-Wayne was going to ask Jamie to be his boyfriend, his mate, his omega.

If only he knew that Jamie was a beta, would he still love him?

He walked out of his loft, Damian sulking in his bedroom about not being able to come along. Jason had to babysit.

Dick strolled down the street with a grin on his face as he felt his heart pounding. Hopefully Jamie would say yes.

Jamie's apartment building came into view. Sadness pricked at his heart for he understood that Jamie was having troubles, especially with taking care of himself.

He walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. There wasn't an answer, but he heard the radio on and casually walked in. He looked around but Jamie wasn't in view.

Carefully, he made his way towards Jamie's bedroom. He slowly opened the door and blushed a bright red, Jamie was in a blue, very short, robe and was digging through his drawer. He gasped in surprise and turned to see Dick, "D-Dick?!" He screeched and threw a hairbrush at him.

Dick ducked and held his hand over his nose, "S-Sorry!"

After an hour of Dick apologizing and Jamie getting changed, they say in the living room. "So... Why did you come here?"

Dick sighed softly before gently holding Jamie's hand, "Jamie..." He looked into his dazzling Arctic Ocean eyes, "Will you be my boyfriend? We've been dating for a while now... And I thought... We should go the next step."

Hearing his question, tears filled the young beta's eyes. They spilled over his cheeks and he felt his chest tighten at the thoughts of Dick leaving him.

"D...Dick... I... Hic!...I lo..." Jamie pulled his hands to his face to try and stop the flow of tears. It wasn't fair. Dick was going to leave him.

The other's eyes widened in surprise and shock before wrapping his arms around Jamie and holding him. "Jamie... Why are you crying? Is the thought that ba-" He stopped.

His nose buried further into Jamie's neck and his brows furrowed in confusion, "I can't smell your pheromones.." He stated.

Jamie burst into a fresh set of tears and he tried pulling away, "I'm sorry...! I'm sorry!" He repeated, "I-I'm a beta...! But I loved you too much to tell you... S...So I hid it for as long a-as I could..!" He stammered, his voice cracking with each word spoken.

Dick's expression softened and he hugged Jamie tighter, "Now I understand... Why you never spoke about your family... Why you never let me get too close..." He let out a sigh before smiling warmly, "I love you Jamie, I would never leave you just because of something you can't control."

Jamie hiccuped, "But why..? I c-can't offer anything to you.. Not a family... Or.. Or my pheromones..." He fumbled with words as he tried to make Dick see reason.

"I don't care. Plus, if I have you and Damian it would feel like a family! I don't need to have my own pups," Dick grinned, "Besides, we could always adopt. I'm sure there are a lot of young pups in need of a good home."

The beta's tears stopped as he stared at his alpha lover, the tears drying against his undoubtedly red cheeks. "Do.. Do you mean it?" He asked, his voice so hushed.

"Of course I do, I love you."

Jamie gave a small smile and leaned against him, "I love you too..."


It felt like forever ago since Dick finally got Jamie to accept him. It took him weeks of him trying to persuade the other that it really was okay for him to love a beta.

Then again, that was three years ago. The now twenty-three year old was going to propose to his beloved beta.

Dick grinned mischievously as he snuck into their, now, shared loft. Damian lived with them and knew what Dick was planning, so he waited in the hallway as Dick knelt down in front of the bathroom door.

Jamie did not know any of this was about to occur and had just wrapped on a towel, as he had forgotten his robe. Sighing, he opened the bathroom door:

"WILL YOU MARRY ME!?" Dick screamed as Damian blew into a confetti popper.

Jamie screamed in surprise and instinctively kicked, which ended up being Dick's... Well... Dick.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" Jamie apologized profusely.

"I'm not!! HAHAHA!" Damian howled with laughter as he held onto the wall to hold himself up.

"Th-This better mean you'll say yes... Because I'm pretty sure w-we're both not going to be able to have kids." Dick wheezed as he held onto his nards.

Jamie turned red before smiling dopily, "Of course..." He murmured lovingly, kissing Dick on the head. "Now let's get you to the hospital."

"G-Good idea..."


Their parts are done~

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