The Memoirs of A Hathaway

Start from the beginning

Alana shrugged not phased at all. Andre and Alana were like brother and sister. They had grown up together and alike even if there was a two year age difference. Andre was Lissa's and Christian's son and he was always being ridiculed by his peers for being a spirit user like his mother. Alana was like a big sister to him always ready for a fight when it came to protecting her cousin.

"As long as I don't have to share my room I'm perfectly fine with it." Alana stated the Dimitri side of her kicking in. She sighed and kicked off her muddy shoes. Great, the girl still acted like an untrained puppy.

"Don't even think about setting those muddy shoes down on my stainless floor young lady." It was fascinating to me sometimes how much I acted like an obsessive parent chastising my daughter for little careless things like chewing with her mouth closed and not slamming doors.

She rolled her eyes before getting up and throwing her shoes onto the front porch before returning to her seat and crossing her legs underneath her.

I stretched my arms and flicked on the television, "So how was training?"

Alana was always enthusiastic to talk about her training session with Guardian Pavel but lately she didn't seem too interested in sharing her encounters. From a mother's point of view I was worried about her. She had seemed different the past few weeks and it was slowly progressing in a downhill manner. From a former hormonally provoked teen, I was worried that Alana was finding herself in an overwhelming dilemma with the male race. Either way I still would have liked to know why my daughter was now adding hints of blush to her face before flying out the door to attend her daily classes.

She brushed a few stray hairs from her eyes and shrugged nonchalantly, "Same as always. Just ran some laps and practiced a few techniques."

She seemed calm and serene on the outside but I knew the girl any better I would have suspected she was hiding something. Her exterior was screaming that she was okay but behind her dark brown eyes I could see the wheels turning and the small crease begin to form on her forehead.

I played it off. She was like me. If she wanted to talk she would talk. I wasn't going to pry at her for answers, "Have you practiced staking yet?"

Her frown looked bitter and she let sarcasm slip into hr next statement, "Yes mother and they've also giving me the okay to run along and have unprotected sex with Moroi men. Of course they haven't let me near a stake yet. Guardian Pavel thinks I need to learn to control my emotions before I wield a deadly object."

I smirked. She was defiantly my daughter, " Maybe you should work on that then instead of spending an extra ten minutes in the bathroom every morning primping and priming yourself to just sweat all that make up off. "

She gave a famous Hathaway eye roll, "Have you been drinking out of Uncle Adrian's punch bowl? I don't wear makeup." I saw her hand self consciously wipe at her cheeks trying to pass it off as a normal gesture. So she thought she was slick not admitting her new fascination with beauty products.

The Adrian comment made my smile bigger. Adrian was...well he was Adrian. The same old same old, he still spent his nights self medicating his mind to simmer down spirits effects. Of course he also kept his other bad habits like sleeping with anyone who would open his legs for him and sucking on lung cancer sticks. He still had his charm and recently he had proven to everyone that miracles did happen. He had joined the Academy's staff. Yes you heard correctly. Adrian was now a health teacher to the middle school novices. Psh..Like he was the best example for little kids to learn how not to drink and smoke and have sex. He still kept up his constant flirting and he never seemed to give up hope that him and I would end up together.

The Memoirs of A Hathaway Book I (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now