Chapter 18: What Just Happened?

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I've been suffering from writer's block. I had no idea how to get the story where I wanted it to go so please bare with me. I think it all worked out. This chapter is the turning point. Only a few chapters left of Memoirs before I begin the sequel!

This chapter is dedicated to supernaturallover425. She's been an amazing fan this past week and I am glad to have such good feedback from her. This is for you :) Hope you like your character. We'll see more of her later.

A/N: I have been trying to find where I described Leila’s hair color and eye color, yet I can not seem to find it. It was probably in an earlier version before I revised a few chapters. Sorry if it’s wrong.

Chapter 18: What Just Happened?

Leila POV

“Leila? Leila please wake up! What’s wrong?”

I could hear James’ voice through my haze of a vision. It wasn’t long before his voice pulled me out of the vision. I hadn’t seen enough. James had destroyed my vision. He had not given me time to see what I was supposed to see. I opened my eyes and was shocked at how close James was to my face. He took took a little movement back before he bombarded me with questions.

“What on earth was that? You were whimpering and you are sweating dhampirs do after training.”

I sighed and flipped my sweaty hair from my eyes. I had come to my room in order to avoid people and here I was with one of the only people I did not want to share my talent with.

“It’s spirit. I have a tendency to get visions and thanks to you, you just brought me out of my vision which means I may get another one within a few days.”

James just stared at me. His expression was unreadable but he finally recovered.

“Your mother really is a bitch isn’t she?” He said finally backing away and extending his hand towards me to help me up. I accepted, grateful for the help. I felt weak and in serious need of a quick shower.

I laughed as I wiped my sweaty palms down the length of my jeans, “ What makes you say that? The fact that she’s forcing me to marry you or the fact that she just in general is a bitch?”

James sighed and ran his fingers through his uncut hair. It was then I noticed traces of bags under his eyes and how he looked exhausted. Unlike the usual handsome guy he usually was. His arrogant attitude was nowhere to be seen and all I could see was the sweet James that had saved me so many years before.

He didn’t speak and neither did I. What do you say to a guy that you have come to terms with hating? In my mind you say nothing. So I did exactly that. I said nothing.

James sighed heavily and gazed at me, “ I’ll see you at the plane. And no worries. Your secret is safe with me.”

He turned and snapped open the door, leaving me completely flabbergasted. I didn’t get to ask why he was in room. I didn’t even get to ask how. All I knew was that James Zecklos was beginning to worry me. I mentally scolded myself. Why care about a guy like him? I had more pressing matters to worry about. Like the bits of vision I was able to see.

It was only slight images but from what I saw it was amazing. Moroi fighting alongside dhampirs. There was fire everywhere. I couldn’t make out faces or a location. But I knew Moroi magic when I saw it. The painful headache had subsided but it was still present, a sign that this vision business was not over. I knew I should have told Adrian or at least Lissa, but the truth was that everyone had so much going on. Did I really need to stress my pregnant headmistress when she was already stressed about the future of the Moroi world? No. And telling Adrian meant he would just find an excuse to tell Lissa. It was who Adrian was. So I was left to my own devices. Why worry everyone unless I knew for sure it was something to worry about? I had had visions before. They were nothing. I had seen Alana get detention once and other very miniscule events. But for some reason the vision I had just almost had made me giddy. Made me feel like I was important in some upcoming vampire event.

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