"Is this from the fall as well" he asked, to which Kong blushed a little. When his friends saw the mark, they started snickering.

"Oh no doctor, that is not from the fall" Aim answered him

"Definitely not"

"That was made by someone"

"His special someone"

"Yep, one he wouldn't mind getting again"

His friends were having fun teasing him. As the doctor continued to innocently inspect the mark, he got an idea of what it was, judging by the side remarks Kong's friends were making.

"No" Kong replied as well, how could he explain that the mark was not from the fall, but from Arthit, who made it while he was sleeping.

When he woke up that morning, Arthit was sleeping on top him nibbling on his skin. He later asked Arthit what his dream was about, since he wasn't aware of his actions, and Arthit said he dreamt about drinking a giant cup of pink milk, which explained how he got the love bite.

"You must have a very possessive lover then" the doctor commented. As he said that, said person walked into the room and Kong's friends backed away

"What are you doing?" Arthit yelled, but before the doctor could answer, he suddenly found himself on the floor, his face radiating in pain

"That was the doctor Arthit" Prem said

"What?" he snapped 

Prem pointed to the doctor on the floor. Arthit looked at the guy on the floor, taking into account his appearance and the white lab coat he was wearing, and "oh" was all he said before he turned his attention to Kong. 

The doctor was surprised and muttered about why he was punched when he did nothing wrong, as Knott helped him stand up. 

"Well, in his defense, you had your hands all over his fiancé" Knott explained, trying to justify Arthit's actions while leading him out of the room to get some ice for his face

"Look at that well-defined body" Toota said in a daze, admiring Kong

"Yeah, I've been focused on Arthit all this time when I should have watched out for Kong, look at the hickey Arthit left" Bright commented 

"You guys would get clobbered next if Arthit hears you" Prem told them, and this time there would be a really good reason 

Luckily Arthit did not hear them as he was helping Kong put on his shirt before anyone else could touch him, minding his compressed wrist.

He avoided looking at Kong wishing the earth would open up and swallow him. He knew what Kong was thinking, judging by the sly smile on his face. He didn't think, he just saw the guy touching Kong and all rationality went out the window.

"How did you get that" Arthit asked pointing to the love bite on his chest

"You" Kong replied

"When?" he asked as he could not remember doing it

"This morning, your giant pink milk"

Now it made sense why his dream felt so real, he really thought he was drinking pink milk, but he unconsciously gave him the love bite instead. 

When Arthit was done helping Kong, he got into bed next to him

"Feel better Arthit" Knott asked as he came back into the room

"The poor unlucky doctor got to feel Arthit's wrath" Prem said

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