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Blake's POV

"I sware I thought I heard someone." Said Rosie. I looked around the hallway but no one was there. "Its probably the wind." she said. "Well Rosie, im going back to my room to unpack." I said. "Okay honey." She said. I walked down the hallway and made my way up the stairs. When I got to my room I found Loki on my bed belly down and slightly snoring. I walked up to the bed and sat by his side. He looked so peaceful. I couldn't resist running my hand through his long silky back hair. Suddenly his eyes opened and he grabbed my wrist. "Sorry!" I said pulling away but he held me closer and pulled me down until he was pinning me down. His green eyes were wide and he was breathing hard. "Loki let me go!" I said. "Why didn't you tell me that your father works for S.I.E.L.D!?" he asked. "So you were the one behind the door!" I said. "Answer me!" he said angrily. "It wasn't that important!" I said. "Ha! not important you say? this people are my enemies! do you realize that if they find out abut me Im as good as dead?" he asked. "Or maybe....." he whispered narrowing his eyes at me. "Maybe you know this.... you are trying to set me up!" He said and he pushed off me and turned to walk out of my room. "Wait! Loki, no!" I said and ran after him. He entered his room and slammed the door closed. "Loki! Open the door now! we have to talk! I .... Im sorry I didn't tell you." I said almost crying, Loki had never been this angry at me. He opened the door and I pushed past him and sat on the bed trying to calm myself down. "Loki, I promise I have nothing to do with S.I.E.L.D." I said calmly. "My dad works for it but I dont," I said. "And if I didn't mention it before was because either way my dad wouldn't recognize who you are, my dad was working on a different mission at the time you invaded New York." I said. He stood in front of me with his arms crossed. He was silent for a moment and then a thought occurred to me. "How much of our conversation did you listen?" I asked him. He raised his eyebrow quizzicaly. "Why? Was there something else I need to know?" he asked watching me intently. "Ummm. no." I said blushing. "You are a bad lier." He said smiling. I laughed and stood up. "But at least I know that what you said is true." he said smiling. "I need to show you something." I said. I smiled up at him and grabbed his hand in mine. My heart gave a little jump when he squeezed my hand slightly and pulled me closer. I lead him out of the house and ran to the corn field. "Where are you taking me?" he asked. "You will see." I said smiling. We walked through the corn field with me leading the way and soon we stood on the edge of my dad's property. There was an old fence and I climbed it jumping over to the other side. Loki, being taller than me easily climbed up and soon he was by my side. We walked a little further down and came to a stop. "When I was little, I would always come here. Every spring it fills up with this flowers." I said. "What are they called?" he asked bending down to look at them closer. "The red ones, we call them Indian Paintbrushes, and the blue ones are Bluebonets." I said. "My Grandmother loved them so much, she passed away a few months before I left home." I said. "I'm sorry to hear that." he said. "It's okay, this place reminds me of her." I said smiling while looking up at the sky. "I know she watches over me from up there." I said. I tooked a deep breath and closed my eyes as I exhaled. "I can tell this place is really special to you, why are you sharing it with me?" he asked. "I just wanted to show you some of the beauty of this world. To you it may be a twisted, cruel world; but not all of it is bad." I said. Loki looked at me and said nothing. "Tell me more about Asgard." I said sitting down on the grass. He walked over to me and sat next to me. "What do you want to know?" he asked. "Like... what kind of holidays do y'all have? what are the people like? what kind of stuff did you liked to do in your spare time?" I asked him. "Well there's always some kind of festivity going on in Asgard. You should see the parties, they are always fun." he said. "Do you think that perhaps one day you could take me to Asgard?" I asked him. "Perhaps one day I could." he said smiling down at me. I smiled back and leaned to rest my head on his shoulder.

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