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------------LOKIS POV----------------

What did she call Thor? I didn't know wether to be angry or amused. I just watched as she ran up to the apartment slamming the door as she went in. Fiery attitude, intresting. I liked her already.

----------BLAKE'S POV------------

For the rest of that night I stayed in my room and away from Loki. I changed into my pajamas and climbed up to bed. I grabbed my phone and plugged my headphones on and listened to Paramore's 'Oh star'. I opened my camera app and Loki's picture appeared on my screen. For a moment, I just layed there looking at it. He looked so.... different, almost as if he was human. There was no features of evil or anger in his face as he slept. He looked so peaceful and calm and it made me wonder if Loki had a good side.... or if he ever did. Suddenly I was curious to know more about him, his past, I wanted to know if there was a different side of him.... a good side perhaps. I sat up and pulled my laptop from underneath my pillow and opened the page I was reading earlier about Loki in Norse mythology. I was so caught up in the reading that I didn't noticed the time in the clock until I looked out my window and saw the sun slowly rising in the horizon. I groaned and shut my laptop off setting it aside. I layed down on my bed and as soon as my head hit the pillows I was passed out.

*********** I walked through a dim lit corridor, the walls were white and the yellowish fluorescent lights flickered above me. "Blake." I heard someone say my name, the voice sounded distant but very familiar. I came to the end of the corridor and in front of me stood a large mirror. In the mirror I saw myself, I was wearing a white dress that went down to my feet and my hair was lose and wavy framing my face. "Blake, look at you so beautiful!" said the voice again. I looked around looking for the person, but it was only me standing alone in that hallway. "Hello? who are you??" I asked, but no answer came. I reached my hand up to touch the mirror and suddenly I realized the red stains on my dress. My once white dress was now covered in a thick, red substance. Blood. "What?" I said scared.  Suddenly there was a high pitch scream. I looked up and I saw a man standing in front of me. He had blue scrubs on and a lab coat and his face was covered with some sort of mask, the type that doctors use. "Wait a minute... Loki? is that you?!" I asked. "Hello darling." he said. He tooked a step towards me but I backed away and my back was now pressed against the mirror. "What is going on?" I asked and Loki just laughed. He pulled out a giant looking syringe. "Now, just stay still will you." he said and tooked a step towards me.  I dodged out of his way and ran away from him. "Its useless to run, mortal!  I am faster than you!" he said as I bumped into his chest.  I bounced off and fell backwards into a hospital bed that hadn't been there a moment ago. "No!" I yelled as Loki came and strapped my arms and legs in to the bed. "What are you gonna do to me?!" I asked panicking. Loki laughed and pulled the syringe closer to my skin. Ever since I was a kid I was scared of needles and hospitals. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Stop!!!!" I squealed and struggled to get free. "Loki no!" I yelled in tears but it was useless, he wasn't going to listen to me.  He wanted me dead.***********

Suddenly I felt a could hand on my forehead and I shoot my eyes open. "Blake! would you stop screaming!" yelled Loki pulling me into his lap. "N-No get away from me!" I yelled shoving him away. "Blake you are running a fever!" he said and pulled me closer. "I have to take you to a hospital." he said.  "No! no please no!" I cried frantically. "Loki I'm sorry about what I said earlier!  I was angry, please don't kill me!" I cried.  "I think the fever is making you delusional." he said chuckling. "I'm sorry..." I cried. "Shhhh. Just go to sleep, its okay." he said and wrapped me up in his arms. He murmured something I couldn't comprehend and suddenly I felt warm and my body became comfortably numb.

------------Loki's POV-------------

Did I really terrified her that much? Well after what I did to her city, I didn't blame her for seeing me as the monster I am. I said a spell to reduce her fever and to put her to sleep and now she was asleep with her arms around my neck and her head on my chest. Such a baby. I tried to get up slowly and lay her down but my movement only caused her to hold on to me tighter. I could feel her heart beat on my stomach. Such a fragile little thing, but somehow it was soothing to me and soon I found myself drifting away, losing consciousness to sleep. 

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