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I changed in to a pair of denim skinny jeans and a Green Day shirt. I brushed my hair and put it on a messy bun atop of my head. I put on my old All Star Chuks and walked out to the living room to find Loki sitting on my couch reading one of my favorite books by Shakespeare.... Romeo and Juliet. "Love is so stupid...." he said. "No its not...." I said taking the book from him. "You only say that because you've never experienced it." I said. "Are you even capable of feeling love? or any emotion whatsoever?" I asked him. He looked at me and then looked away. "That's what I thought... of course you can't!" I said and walked to the kitchen to fix me something to eat. "Well believe it or not, I'm capable of feeling emotions; emotions such as anger." he said glaring at me. "Do you ever feel guilty about what you did to New York? About all the innocent people you've damaged?" I asked and he stayed silent. "You know the other day when I was taking pictures at the park, the day of the black out? One of my class mates broke down in tears, screaming and crying because she was so scared that you and your stupid army of aliens were back to take over the world again." I said. "Does that make you feel proud of yourself? This people are never gonna forget what happened that day and will always live with that fear forever!" I said. "If they fear me then that means they will respect me, otherwise... Well, do I need to paint it out for you?" he asked smirking. "Not all of us fear you." I said smirking. "You must be really brave, or really foolish, to challenge me, mortal." he said smirking. "Oh but I'm not challenging you, I'm just making my point clear." I said. "You must think you're so smart." he said. "Oh no! Never would I think I'm smart! oh no honey! I know I'm smart!" I said and moved to sit at the table to eat my cereal. I could see Loki was trying to hold back a smile. I knew he wasn't used to people talking back to him the way I was doing. He was used to giving commands and expected people to go by his rules and to admire him as the god he was.... he expected people to fear him, but I was immune to all that bullshit. Oh yes, I was gonna give him a hard time. We'll see who brakes first. I giggled and raised my eyebrows. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked. "Like what?" I asked. "Whatever you may be plotting, it's not gonna work." he said. "What's the matter? God of mischief scared of a little human girl?" I asked playing along. "Don't make me laugh!" he said laughing. "I believe I just did." I said smirking sarcastically.


Loki's POV:

I could sense this girl was going to be trouble. She was.... unnerving! if I could I would prefer to get rid of her, but I did not want to call anymore attention on myself. Not to mention, she was really interesting. She had a different aura surrounding her, something about her. She was brave, I had to give her credit for that. Maybe if I gained her trust, I could use her to my advantage. Though I got to admit.... she provoked something no other mortal had ever made me feel... I felt fear. I felt fear because for once someone could see right through me and know of the things I was capable of doing but not be scared of me. I wanted to know what went on inside her mind. I knew she would plot something against me, and I could tell it was nothing good.


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