The ring

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Loki and I got on my car and I drove us to the mall. "Like that we can get you some clothes." I said. "What's wrong with the ones I have on?" he asked. "Unless... you prefer me with out clothes?" he asked smirking. "Umm... no... keep them on." I said blushing. "For now." he said still smirking. "What I meant was, real clothes." I said. "Whatever." he said. I rolled my eyes and kept driving. Loki shifted on his seat and was now facing me. I turned on the radio and "We Found Love" by Rihanna started playing. Loki's face showed disapproval and I turned the volume loud and started singing loudly just to annoy him. We arrived at the mall and the first place we headed to was Hot Topic, my favorite store in the whole wide world. "C'mon Loki." I said pulling him towards the guy's section. "Why are we doing this again?" he asked turning to me. "Because, I want a shopping buddy?" I said smiling up at him. "And why me?" he asked. "I want to annoy you." I said. "Ah." he said. "Would you lighten up?! I wanna have a good time!" I said. "Annoying me?" he asked. "Actually, I want you to have a good time also." I said smiling. "I know!! since you are known as the god of mischief...." I said. "What do say we go and create some harmless mischief?" I whispered. "Ehehe! Darling, you surprise me!" he said laughing. "C'mon then!" I said and pulled on his arm. For the rest of the afternoon we ran around the mall preying on unsuspecting victims, the only rule was not to hurt anyone in any way. "Hey,look at this Blake." Said Loki while we sat at the food court eating lunch. He pointed towards a girl about my age with blonde hair and she had on a very expensive looking white short dress. She was sitting down talking and laughing loudly with her girlfriends and had a strawberry soda can on her hand waving it around while she talked and laughed. "Oh no!" I said laughing. The girl snnaped the cap off and the moment she did she was showered in the red liquid. "Oh shit!" She yelled holding the can away from her. Loki and I roared with laughter and the girl kept yelling and crying about her hair and now ruined dress. "I feel bad about that now! poor girl!" I said as we walked away. "She'll be fine." He said still smirking. "Photo booth!" I said and once again dragged him to follow me. "Okay,that is getting irritating!" he said annoyed. "Sooorrry!" I said. Loki and I sat awkwardly close inside the photo booth. "So what does this thing do?" he asked. "Take multiple pictures and makes them into a collage." I said. "Of what?" he asked. "Of us, most people make silly faces or stuff like that." I said. "Ready?" I asked and pressed the start button before he could answer. In the first picture is just us staring at each other,the second is us making silly faces at the camera, in the third is me kissing his cheek and him reacting surprised and finally the forth is just us smiling at the camera. "Wow... Im actually having fun!" he said. "Me two, I almost don't want to go back to school and work tomorrow." I said as we walked back to the car holding a bunch of bags from Hot Topic and Wet Seal. "Lets play video games when we get back to the apartment." I said. "I'll show you." I said when I saw the confused look in his face. Once we were in the apartment each of us went to our rooms to put way the stuff we bought at the mall. I was in my closet hanging up a cute black summer dress with skulls and red roses when suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and found Loki leaning against the doorway wearing the Slytherin pijamas we found at Hot Topic. "Hi." I said and he smiled at me. "Can I step in?" He asked. "If I said no... you'll still do it anyways." I said smiling. He chucked and stepped into my room. "So what's up?" I asked. "ahhh... the sky?" he said confused and I laughed. "That's how we say 'whats going on' here in Midgard" I said. "Oh, well I just came to give you this." he said handing me a small black velvet box. "What is this?" I asked. I opened the box and inside of it was a beautiful diamond ring. "Ummm....Loki...?" I asked confused. "For when you go to work, You said they might ask you questions and I'm shore they would want to see a ring, correct?" he asked. I nodded without taking my eyes off the ring. It looked expensive. "Where and how did you get it?" I asked him. "Don't worry, I didn't. steal it." He said reassuring me. "Im actually tired Blake, I cant remember the last time I had this much fun." he said. "Yeah me two, I guess we can leave video games for tomorrow." I said yawning and stretching. "One last thing." he said taking the ring box from me and taking it out of the tiny box. He took my left hand and slid the ring gently into my ring finger. "Good night Blake." he said kissing the back of my hand. "Good night Loki." I said and watched him as he walked away. I changed into my favorite Bat Man pijamas and crawled into bed and fell asleep after a while looking at the ring on my left hand.

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