Chapter 1: The Begining

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Author Note: this is my first story, so bare with me. Ps. I AM A TERRIBLE SPELLER, sorry in advance, and I do not know if lasercorn is still married but in the story she does not exists. Also I made the cover myself! Do you like it?


Mari's P.O.V.:

This is the day, 1 year ago Peter and I began dating! I have been planning the night for a week, I will cook dinner, and we will have a picnic on the beach, then we will walk on the beach until the sun sets, lastly we will head back home and have 'fun'. I smirk at the thought. It is noon I have some time to spare. I check my grocery list as I walk in to the store. I head to find the chicken. Once I found all the food items I left to go to CVS to buy shampoo and conditioner. Minutes later I found what I was looking for. I am not picky with shampoo and conditioner so I just grab two bottles, not caring that they were not even the same brand.

I check the time, only 2:00 p.m. I go home to begin getting ready. I jump into the shower and shave legs. I look for the shampoo I had bought, as it turns out I bought two conditioners. Well this is not a good start. I get out of the shower, dry off and go back to CVS to buy shampoo. I get home and continued my shower. Ten minuets later I get out of my shower and dry off and blow dry my hair. For now I put it a messy bun to style later.

I go to my makeup do my makeup, a little fancy and sexier than usual. I had already picked out a sexy, black dress. The hem reaches an inch above my knee. I added a gold necklace and bracelet, and black wedges with gold buckles on the side. I straitened my hair, and parted it at the side. I begin cooking chicken Alfredo; his favorite. It was almost 5:45 p.m. Moments after I checked the time, Peter walked in. He looked stressed, it must have been a hard day at work.

"Hey babe!" I said as he saw me.

"What are you doing?" He asked almost scared for the answer, which confused me.

"It is our anniversary!" I said a little louder than I meant. I told him all I had planned. He frowned...

"Shit." He whispered.

"What?" I ask? Did I do something bad?

"Mari, I don't love you any more." He said sad, and ashamed of himself. I felt my heart stop, my eyes stung with tears.

"What?" My voice cracked.

"I'm sorry." He said beginning to cry as well. I could tell that he was very sad for me. My heart tore in two, my shattered.

"What do you mean you don't love me? W-why?" I stutter.

"I am in love with another woman,... from work..." He trails off. Tears fell from my eyes. I can't believe what is happening. I could not even look at him anymore. I ran to my car, Peter came out of the house and watched me leave. I grabbed my phone and called the person I knew could talk to.

It rings twice before he answers, "Hello?"

"Can I come over to talk?" I sniffle.

"Of course." He said.

"Thank you, David." (Ps. David, A.K.A. Lasercorn) I hung up. I drove to his house, it began raining, typical.

David's P.O.V.:

Oh my god, what was wrong, why she crying. I am her best friend, she always came to me for personal problems, and we hung out a lot too. Which I really liked, I have a small crush on Mari.

I looked around my house, and it was not presentable at all. She lived fifteen minutes away. I began cleaning up as much as possible, until there was a knock at the door. I opened it. Mari was there she looked terrible, her hair was a frizzy mess, mascara smeared, and her face red and puffy. I hugged her knowing she needed it. She hugged back, small shivers went down my back. I pulled away and led her to the couch.

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