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"Are things always this quiet here when the country's under attack?" Lloyd muttered.

He and Denise sat outside the gates to Fort Weaver in his Ford pickup, staring through the barbed wire fence at a ghost town. Aside from a few vehicles in the lot and fewer soldiers crossing the tarmac, the base seemed mostly deserted. Even the guard post stood empty. Lloyd didn't need to consult his girlfriend's puzzled expression to recognize that the situation was far from normal.

"There should be someone posted at the gate," Denise said. "Especially if our forces were deployed elsewhere."

"Maybe he's off taking a piss?" Lloyd guessed.


"Yeah," he nodded. "Figured."

"We're not going to find out anything sitting here," Denise said. "We should go in."

"We should keep on going," Lloyd countered. "This doesn't feel right."

"I need to check in with my C.O." Denise insisted.

"No offense, sweetheart, but I think the military has more to worry about than you skipping work."

"I'd rather not get demoted and arrested finding out," she argued. "I could go in alone..."

"No chance. I spent most of the morning hunting for you. I'm not about to let you out of my sight now."

She stared at him with her brows raised. Lloyd grunted, scowled, and put the Ford in gear. "If they impound my truck..."

Denise smirked. "You have my permission to say I told you so."

"Screw that. You saw what we're up against. I'm stealing a tank."

They drove through the open gate, scanning the area for the first sign of a soldier rushing to stop them. The closest they came to it was when a couple of passing privates looked their way during their patrol of the grounds. Though both soldiers were armed to the teeth, the sight of Denise seated in the passenger seat in her combat uniform seemed to be enough to satisfy them.

"Is security normally this lax?" Lloyd wondered.

"On the contrary," Denise replied. He glanced over to see a worried expression crossing her features. "The battalion headquarters is up here on the right. Pull up behind that jeep."

"Yes, ma'am."

He slipped the 4x4 into the available parking spot and stopped. Denise studied the darkened interior through the main doors. The lack of people only added a few more wrinkles to her furrowed brow.

"It's not too late to change your mind, Dee," he said. "Give the word and I'll have us back on the road in a blink."

"I should check in," she repeated softly, her voice lacking conviction. "It'll be all right. Maybe just... um, keep the motor running? Just in case."

"You're sure you don't want me to go in there with you?" he offered. "At least take my shotgun with you."

"I'm not worried about running into any more zombies," she said. "Those soldiers we passed a few seconds ago were still very much alive."

"Still, I can't be the only one who's finding this whole situation odd."

"No. Something's off. I just can't put my finger on what." She looked at the door again and took a deep breath. "Maybe it's just my nerves."

"I'll be right here if you need me," he assured her.

She nodded and smiled, grateful for his support. Wincing at the ache in her back from the crash, she let herself out and marched inside.

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