Scar is in Trouble Part l

Start from the beginning

I have a trusting problem that’s why I secretly put a hole on the wall to see and make sure they are telling the truth. I remove the cover for the hole and try to see. Satisfied that he doesn’t have anyone with him I put the cover again and unlocked my door.

I am greeted with a smiling captain and motion if he could go inside. I nod and step aside so he could enter my room. After he’s inside I peak my head out to see if someone is eavesdropping or prying near my room. Content that no one’s there I closed my door and turn myself to face the captain.

“what do you need hart this time of the day?” I said in a low voice still suspicious. He only calls me lass when we are alone. Then sit to the strawbed, uncomfortable because the irons beneath but didn’t show it on my facial expression.

“I need to tell you that were nearing the Omag Sea, its been three days already since we departed Arden’s port and I think they knew you are missing right now.” He said to me and continues “it will be rough journey to pass that part and also the pirates that roam that sea. I need you to be prepared to defend here that’s because you’re a part of the crew. The chests you saw last time in the deck were we keep some sword you can check and get some. I know you can use weapons.”

That alarm me a bit that he know I knew how to use weapon. He saw the confuse expression I have and try to explain.

“I knew from the beginning. Why such a brave lass would travel by herself without knowing how to defend herself  that’s why I knew you must know how to use weapons” he explain to me. I nodded for confirmation then he smiles to me and pat my left knee with his right hand.

“thanks for informing me about this hart” I said to him with a smile. He so concerned about my wellbeing I had also wish once to have a father like him. I hug with a bear hug. He does the same for reassurance I think and it feel comfortable really. Before I let go of him, the sound of protesting stomach make known itself. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment, not used for eating like what they eat. He chuckle again lightly.

“I think your still hungry” he said then he reach something inside his pocket. I think it is a watch hmm ill ask him later where he bought that. It will help me later during the journey in the land. “its almost lunch go to my room so I can prepare a bigger meal for us so you wont get hungry lass but be discreet when going to my room so no one can see you. I don’t want them telling me there’s a robber inside my ship and don’t touch my things are we clear?” after saying that he laugh full blown. That makes me giggle to.

He stand up and make way to the door and he halted for a second and turn his head. “oh before I left I need to call you a name and so I wont going to slip my tongue calling you lass in front of the crew” she said “what would you like me to call you for the remaining days here in my ship?” he ask to me.

“just call me SCAR” I replied to him. I know the meaning of it and why I chose such name. The name really does fit me. My body is mark by that father of mine, my back, thigh; both arms are with faint white mark of whip. Remembering every time I saw the mark when I took a bath I wince by just tracing it with my finger even though its only a scar, remembering when that mark or what wrongdoing I did to receive such punishment. I knew the moment I said the name I pick he knew what it meant. Its sadden him but still nod at and went to go outside my room.


After eating lunch and my belly is now full with normal food and before leaving my room made sure I am in my usual attire. I tighten the binder on my chest, using an old long sleeve tunic to hide some dagger strap to both my forearm. Fastening my belt to hold my trouser and my below the boot which my brother Arthur bought for me. I love it because it can also hide some daggers. Im being too paranoid that someone will attack me here but nothing beats a prepare person. Wrap my face with the scarf I didn’t put the leather cap due to the fact I will look really more ridiculous already from  my attire.

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