I'm In Sakura's Body This Is Gonna Be Good

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(Pic up top is what she was wearing)

Annabelle's POV
I was walking home from school thinking about what anime I should watch 'maybe I should watch boku no hero academia or maybe I should watch kamisama kiss?! Oh I know I'm gonna re-watch naruto!'

"Hey slut!" I heard the voice of Amy call out to me.

"Hello Amy what can I do for you?"

"You're so fake, pretending to be innocent and polite I bet you **** the teachers to get your grades."

By now there was a crowd gathering around us and all of them were giving her disapproving looks.

She began scowling at me and she slapped me.

"This is why I hate you, you have everyone wrapped around your disgusting, slutty fingers."

She then began to smirk at me. You know those villains when they give you that evil smirk? Well she's giving me one of those.

"But that's gonna change starting now!"

That was the last thing I heard aside from people shouting my name before I felt excruciating pain then it all felt numb.

Time Skip
I was floating around the seemingly endless darkness for a short while until a blinding light flooded my vision.

"Hello Annabelle."

"Hello, excuse me if I am rude but are you God?"

"Yes I am it is very nice to meet you."

"Thank you for having me and it is very nice to meet you."

"Straight to the point you are my purest creation and I am giving you ten wishes any wish it shall be granted."

"Really? ! This is so cool! May I start now?!" He gave me a nod.

1. I wish to be reborn in the narutoverse as Sakura

2.To have all the knowledge protaining to the narutoverse such as jutsu's, seals, important events, etc.

3.Be immortal and have the ability to bestow immortality on others

4.HAVE A HAREM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5.Be a futanari because I want Hina~chan in my harem

6.Have all chakra natures and complete control over them

7.Have the ability to copy bloodlines

8.Be able to cure any disease and regenerating limbs

9.Be a mix of all mythical races

10. Have the abilities of every anime character without any bad side effects.

"By the way, I am giving you my position and the position as ruler of the underworld."

"Ok- WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I woke up for a start 'was that a dream? Only one way to find out.' I got up and looked around 'definitely not my room.'

'How am I gonna explain this?!' thought while panicking then I realized that I have all the memories of Sakura and God. I can just use a jutsu to reset their memories.

I went to the bathroom to take a bath and I noticed Sakura's-well my new appearance I had paler skin than in the anime but it held a healthy and beatiful glow to it, my hair reached mid calf and I still had my figure (remember think Akeno from dxd) with a d*** and might I say I was quite large about 15 1/2 - 16 1/2 inches.

It seems my eyes are still heterochromic but they were an emerald green and golden yellow. I also had what seemed to be a rose shaped pink mark on my belly button and the inner side of my right breast.

I started to bathe myself starting with my chocolate scented bodywash and rinsing myself off, afterwards I took my vanilla scented shampoo and washed my hair and finished off with a vanilla scented conditioner.

I quickly dried myself off and proceeded to put on my clothes, I then realise the clothes were too small so I used my newly attained powers to make new undergarments (think Rias' undergarments) and then made a black battle kimono with slits at the sides which started from my hip going down to my knees.

I was pretty proud of my creation and I did I jutsu to make my **** invisible.

"Sakura come get breakfast."

I heard my (new) mother call me from downstairs. I went down and saw my parents Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno.

The saw me and prepared they're stances along with a kunai to fight off any possible threat. I looked them straight in the eye and cast my jutsu Memory Rearrange Technique (lame name I know).

They looked at me with a loving look in their eyes.

"Good morning dear." Came their simultaneous reply.

"Morning mom, dad." I greeted back.

"Hurry up and eat breakfast they're announcing the teams today."

I quickly finished breakfast and went to brush my teeth (seriously though who brushes their teeth then eats breakfast to just to get them dirty again?)

I walked out of the house and not so surprisingly most if not all men were blushing and grew a ahem third leg and females either got jealous or turned gay then again I do have a d*** so it wouldn't be gay.

I was in front of the door to the classroom and I opened the door and all activity ceased and all attention was on me, it was quiet Choji stopped eating and Sasuke stopped brooding!!!!

Then someone, surprisingly Shikamaru asked the unspoken question everyone had on their mind.

"Who are you?"

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