P h o t o #17 - Chest Pressure

Start from the beginning

After the mind-numbing debate I had with myself, I seemed to only come to one conclusion. I needed her opinion on these feelings. Even if it did sound silly, I needed to figure out what was wrong with me.

I hoped I wasn't sick. I hated doctors, so Kayla was the next best thing (hopefully).

I knocked hastily on her door, watching as a few stary pink sparkles shimmer as they fall to the carpeting below. Not even after two knocks in, the door swung open.

"Hello, my cute little brother!" Kayla said happily while I scowled at the sentence that came out of her mouth. She didn't seem to notice. "What's up?"

I took in one last breath, then spoke up. "I need your help with something." With one sentence, I couldn't believe how awkward I was acting. I never acted like this, I always went with the flow of things.

There was definitely something wrong with me.

I quickly made my way past Kayla and walked towards her fluffed up, pink bed. 'This girl really loves pink.' I thought as I plopped down on her bed, relishing in it's softness.

Kayla closed her door and pulled aside a chair from her desk, as you guessed, it was pink. "Wow, it must be pretty important if you're willing to walk into my room without a second thought, because as you know, at any other time I would've smacked you silly for intruding on my domain." She said smartly as she pulled up the chair in front of where I sat, plopping down in her own seat. "Tell me what's up."

"It's about Emma."

"Ooh~" Kayla rubbed her hands together as her interest was caught, crossing her legs as she sat on the plush looking chair. "Spill it!"

I took a few deep breaths, searching for the right words to describe the turmoil I've been in for since last night. No, since the day at the coffee shop.

That's it. "Well. It all started back at the coffee shop a few miles away. When she had that small fight with Elliot." I thought some more, recalling the chilly day, "I remember comforting her, and when she became happy and smiled at me, I don't know, I suddenly felt my chest well up."

For some reason, my breath felt shallow as I confessed this. I didn't know what I was so nervous about, I was finally going to figure out why I've been acting weird. So why did I feel so anxious about the whole circumstance.

"After that, whenever I saw Emma, or even thought of her, I got excited and flustered. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted, no I still want to know everything about her and I want her to know everything about me. I even find my eyes drifting to her, I even look voluntarily sometimes."

Heat creeped up my neck, giving me even more confusion than what I already was under, but I went on, determined to finish what I came here for.

"And when I saw her talking to Elliot so contently yesterday, I got mad. I got mad at Elliot." I finally willed my eyes to peek up at my sister's, not being able to read her expression. I decided to add one last piece of truth. "My chest hurt. It still does."

By now my face was burning, but I managed to whisper one final word.



~Kayla's POV~

'Too pure,' I thought, my mind numbing, 'this isn't something you can find in a boy his age these days anymore. How he stayed at the mentality of a fifth grader while being surrounded by a bunch of girls all his life is just too beyond me.'

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