P h o t o #5 - Emma The Sheep

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P h o t o #5 - Emma The Sheep

'Forget everything I've said up until now. Forget the warm fuzzies I let so easily creep into my heart. I take it all back!' Now I understood, as I sat in the dusty smelling principal's office, tarnishing the promise to grandmother, stating that I wouldn't cause any trouble while attending this school. I could not believe that I was so easily swayed by those boys.

"Okay," Our school principal, Mr. Johnson, began tiredly as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "So, would you mind telling me why you three are here in my office covered in, what is that, cake batter? And sitting in my chairs when you're still covered in it?!"

I quickly jumped out of the chair that I was sitting in and turned back to Mr. Johnson, peeking at the two boys next to me who hadn't moved from their seat at all, daring to defy the principal. An awkward silence erupted in the air as the three looked at one another. Like the atmosphere wasn't bad enough already.

Mr. Johnson was a bit frustrated that the two boys hadn't moved as he continued to stare at them through the thick silence. So it seemed Cooper felt it was necessary to break the ice when he noticed Mr. Johnson staring at his dirtied clothes for a whole other reason than the one he picked up. "You wanna try some? It's waffle mix that Emma made!"

Elliot audibly slapped his hand up to his forehead at his friend's idiotic act, while I tensed up under our principel's unamused stare in my direction. Mr. Johnson, probably seeing how flustered I was, turned his gaze back to the bubbly brunette with a questioned look as Cooper shrugged and tasted it himself, beginning to purr like a cat at the taste. "Mmm, Emma! You really know how to cook! It's so sweet!"

I sheepishly looked away, quickly finding interest in the fake plant that was next to me, and wondering how in any way the batter for waffles can taste good enough to make you swoon.

He was probably just trying to flatter me. That's Cooper Appollo for you.

"Alright." Mr. Johnson began to get back into business, breathing out in exasperation. "You boys sure are lucky that Ms. Leighs was here with you, or I would've given you both detentions. For obvious reasons," The middle-aged man grimaced, probably remembering all of the other reckless things these boys have done in the past that were probably fueled by the other girls' doings. "But I know Ms. Leighs is one of my top students and I can trust her word, so your punishment will just be cleaning up the Home Ec room after school today."

I breathed out a pocket of hot air I hadn't known I was anticipatingly holding in, relieved because I wouldn't have to: One, get my first detention ever and two, try and explain to my grandmother why I had gotten one.

I was saved by my own goody two-shoesness. If that was even a word.

After no reply from any of us, but showing that we were all visibly glad we didn't have a detention, Mr. Johnson stepped back in. "Now, I want you all to go get cleaned up, and by that time it should be around the end of the school day. So afterwards head back to the classroom and wipe up your mess. I'll call Ms. Whitestock and inform her of these changes. You can leave when you're finished." His expression went from tired to stern, "But if you fail to finish this task, don't think I won't think twice about the detentions. Now get going."

And with that, the three of us jolted up and ran out of the office, stopping after we shut the door.

Without a second to waste, Elliot looked Cooper and I up and down and said, "You both look ridiculous." His face showed no hint emotion as he said this.

"Hey! So do you! You have dried waffle mix in your hair!" Cooper pointed out as Elliot began to try to pull the dried pieces out of his dark hair.

"Ahh, so that's how you're going to be?" Elliot retorted, a mischievous gleam in his usually still eyes.

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