Chapter 4- Arguments and Acceptance

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Authors Note: 

Hi guys! I just wanted to thank you all for reading this far! It means a lot to me that you did, whether you are enjoying the fanfic or not. I'm sorry I haven't been updating very often, I've had a lot of school stuff to do, but I should  be able to get back on schedule with updates now. I know that this fanfic is written in a slightly different style to most others that I've read, but thanks so much for all of your support and votes. Please leave me any comments with how I could improve my writing, they really help me develop as a writer. Thanks again! 


Gar and Wade

Gar was silent for a second, confused. "Uh...yes?" Wade moved back and let him stand up. "It's me! Wade!" Gar was silent for a second. "No way..." Wade sighed "Yes way." Gar looked around and took in his surroundings. "Well Wade, this is one crazy dream we're having, huh?" Wade picked up on the nervousness in Gar's voice and replied quietly. "Face it Gar, I know that this isn't a dream...and I think you know it too."

Pat and JP

Pat suddenly felt like he was suffocating, confused, he took a deep breath, but only felt more light headed. Without knowing what he was doing, he instinctively dived back down into the water. He instantly felt better, and as his breath returned, his heart missed a beat. If I need water to breathe then...what am I?  He surfaced again and looked at the pink creature, deciding to ask it for help. "Uh...hey? Are you ok? Can you help me?" There was silence for a second, and the creature tried again to get up. "Well, I would help you, but I can't exactly stand up right now." "Well why did you lie down then?" Pat asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "I didn't. I sort of...fell from the sky and landed like this." The creature replied. Both were silent for a minute. "Me too..." Pat replied eventually. "One minute I was gaming with my friends...and then...I woke up and I was...this....then I was sending messages...and I fell from the sky? That sounds so much weirder when I say it out loud." Again there was silence. "Wait...that happened to me as well! Do I know you?" The Pokemon tried to turn over and look at Pat, "I'm actually a YouTuber...Jpw03." After a second, Pat replied slowly, "Well you see Jp...I'm also a gamer's me...Pat." 

Wade and Gar

"What's that supposed to mean? Of course I don't know that this isn't a dream. What other explanation do you have? You can't seriously believe that we...became Pokemon or something!" Gar yelled. Wade tried to stay calm as he replied. "Well, I might not be able to explain it...but this is certainly not a dream. I mean...look around. Even you can't say that this isn't real." Gar considered this for a second, then he replied quietly, the anger still in his voice "Ok...let's suppose this is're a Mr.Mime and I'm...whatever the hell I ended up as...what do we do next?" "Well first, we need to stay calm, and agree not to fight anymore. Fighting will only make this situation worse. If we want any chance of getting back home, we have to work together." Gar sighed and nodded, "Ok, I agree that this MIGHT be real. Now what do we do?" "I guess...we figure out what happened to Pat and Jp. If we somehow arrived here then maybe they did as well." Wade replied. "We should start moving, they might need our help." Both Pokemon started walking, Gar stumbling slightly whilst trying to master walking on four legs. 

Pat and Jp

"Pat! Thank God! Can you help me up?" Jp grinned. Pat decided to test his new abilities as a Pokemon. He dived back underwater, swam down to the bottom and started swimming at full speed towards the surface. He threw his small body through the air, hitting Jp and knocking him forwards. Jp let out a small cheer as he stood up, looking at his pink body and trying to get used to the feeling of being a Pokemon. Pat lay on the ground, gasping for air but still incredibly proud of himself. Jp noticed the Magikarp lying next to him and he bent down to pick up Pat in his small pink arms. He dropped him back into the water and looked around again. "Thanks Pat." He grinned. Pat surfaced, breathless, "No problem!"

Wade and Gar

After a few minutes of walking, Gar was struggling to keep up with Wade's fast pace. "Hey, slow down for a sec Wade. I've only got small legs after all. Geez, I wish I'd become a Charizard or something." Wade stopped suddenly, looking forwards. Gar was looking over his shoulder and ended up walking straight into Wade, nearly knocking them both over. "Ouch, why did you stop?" Gar complained. "Look." Wade replied, pointing in front of them. A small girl was running about in front of them, chasing a Butterfree, her father watching from a distance. She stopped when she saw them both and cheered, running towards them. "Yay! It's an Eevee! Daddy, can I catch that Eevee?" Wade stood still and tried to hide Gar from view. "Gar...RUN!" He whispered. But when he turned around, Gar was already a blur in the distance.

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