Chapter 3- We have arrived

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Jp hit send on his last message, he knew how weird it sounded, that they had somehow become Pokemon, but...this was way to real to be a dream. His vision started to blur, and he felt himself falling backwards. He closed his eyes.

Jp gasped as he jolted awake. He realized that he was falling. There was blue sky, and he could see a green field below him, coming closer. He closed his eyes and braced himself for the landing, but he landed softly. He opened his eyes and found himself lying on his back in a patch of grass, looking up at the sky. Jp tried to sit up, but his round pink body refused to let him. There was a yell of surprise from above him, and he saw an orange Pokemon, which he instantly recognized as Majikarp, falling from the sky. The fish Pokemon came closer to the ground, and there was a sudden splash from next to him, sending water all over him. Jp realized that the Pokemon must have landed in a pond, but he couldn't sit up to see. He tried again to sit up, but jolted in surprise when a voice came from next to him. "Ugh...where the hell-?"


Pat considered Jp's message for a second. What if he was right? He typed a message to the group, and thought about would certainly make sense...his vision blurred, making his head spin, and he felt himself falling backwards. 

Pat snapped back to reality, feeling the sense of falling again. He twisted around in mid air, before realizing that he really was falling. He let out a yell, and managed to direct himself so he landed in a pond. Pat hit the water hard, but as soon as he was underwater, he felt more...natural. He surfaced, and swam towards the edge of the pond. He could see a large pink creature, laying on its back just in front of him. Pat still felt incredibly dizzy, as he looked around, asking a dazed question. "Ugh...where the hell-?"


Wade watched the other two leave the chat, piecing together the puzzle. Suddenly, he realized what they had to do. I think we have to admit it Gar! Say it! We are Pokemon!  He barely managed to hit send, as his vision blurred and he felt a falling sensation.

Wade felt sick when he finally opened his eyes. He couldn't see, his head was aching and he still felt like he was falling. Wait...he could feel the wind rushing past him, so that would mean... His eyes widened and he turned over in the air, he was rushing towards the ground. Wade put his hands out in front of him instinctively, to break his fall. He landed heavily in a patch of grass, and jumped up immediately, now fully awake.  He was in a big field, with a city barely visible on the horizon. The sun was shining in his eyes, and Wade looked up, as a small black shape started coming closer to the ground. He suddenly heard a scream and a small creature came into view. It landed on the ground not to far from him,letting out a muffled "ow" and Wade ran over to it. "Uh...hi?"


Gar paused for a second, re-reading Wade's message. It couldn't be real...could it? He sighed, and typed his message, hitting send, and waiting for something to happen. His eyes clouded up, and a falling sensation took over as he closed his eyes.

Gar gasped and started to panic as he woke up. The falling sensation was still there, and his vision was cloudy. He closed his eyes again, and waited for the sensation to stop. It felt so real though, his eyes snapped open, and he turned to see the ground rushing up to meet him. He screamed, and held his paws out in front of him, without realizing what he was doing. Gar fell towards the ground, crashing through the branches of a tree, and landing heavily. "Ow..." He groaned, and waited for his head to stop spinning. A clown face suddenly appeared above him, and Gar jumped backwards with a scream. "Calm down!" The creature said quickly, "I only wanted to ask if you were ok." Gar suddenly felt angry "I just got jumpscared by a clown after I fell from the sky while I'm obviously hallucinating...AND YOU ASK ME IF I'M OK?!" "Wait a minute..." The clown moved closer and looked at him, suddenly yelling in surprise.


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