Chapter 2- Something is definitely different...

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The morning 


Pat woke up the next morning feeling sick and dizzy. He had a really bad headache and the alarm clock ticking loudly next to him wasn't helping.  He looked up at the ceiling and tried to remember last night. They had been gaming...gmod...something went wrong...and then? Pat didn't remember going to sleep at all, he shrugged off the thought and went to get out of bed. As he did, he realized that he felt weightless, and he seemed to be...floating? Ugh I must be coming down with something. He thought groggily to himself. He went to check for any signs of illness in the mirror in his bathroom, and then he saw himself. Pat tried to ask if  someone was pranking him, but he heard nothing. His head started spinning and he felt dizzy, as he looked around the room. His eyes fell on his computer, open to Discord. Yes...the others...they might be having the same problem! He began working his way towards his computer. When he managed to get there he saw that none of the others were online. He was about to call the others, when he remembered that he couldn't speak. Grabbing a pencil in his mouth, he started typing, hoping that the many spelling mistakes weren't too bad, and the others could still read what he was saying. The frantic messages began. 


Jp woke up lying on his side, his phone was resting on the pillow next to him. He felt awful, he must have slept badly last night. Actually...when did he go to sleep last night? He turned over to look at his computer, which was still open to Discord. Jp could see that there were lots of new messages in their group chat. He reached out to grab his phone, and as he did, he saw his arm. It was incredibly short, and bright pink, and had no fingers. It took a couple of seconds for Jp to process what he was seeing. Well this had been the most realistic dream he'd ever had. He tried to sit up, but his body was too...round? Ok, this was strange. The Discord chat was filling with more and more messages, Jp decided to try and get to his computer. He moved over to the other side of his bed, and braced himself for the jump. He slid off the edge of the bed, and landed on the ground. When he stood up again, he was only about 50 cm off of the ground. He couldn't see his feet, because his large pink body was covering the floor underneath him. Jp looked up at his chair, realizing that he couldn't climb up to it. He overturned the wastepaper basket under the desk, and used it as a stool. He managed to get to his chair, climb onto the desk and open the chat. 15 new messages from Pat. He skim read through them, and from what he could make out, Pat was having the same problem. The spelling was awful though. Weird characters and letters every now and then in the messages, letters missing from the words. This was WAY too realistic now to be a dream. Jp tried using his keyboard to type a reply to the messages, but his 'hands' were way too short, and he couldn't reach the keys at the top. He looked around, and saw a ruler in the pot on the desk. He grabbed it, and started jumping, and at the same time, hitting the keys that he wanted. It took a long time, but eventually he had typed out a reply. He hit send and waited.


Gar woke up to his phone alarm beeping loudly next to him. He looked silently at it for a moment, his head spinning. He didn't feel well at all, he must have been up late last night. He sighed, and closed his eyes, turning onto his side. Gar opened his eyes when he realized that there was something on his head making it uncomfortable to lie like that. He was about to check, when suddenly a crash from downstairs jumpscared him, making him fall out of the bed. The sound had been super amplified, it had only been a door closing, but it had sounded like an earthquake to him. Gar suddenly realized how close he was to the ground, he stood up, and he was still tiny. Suddenly a feeling hit him, and he started to piece together what he knew. Four paws...I have four paws...and the things on my head are...ears? He took a deep breath and looked over his shoulder. Ok...I have a tail! He walked backwards slightly, knocking into something. He looked up, and saw it was his chair. Gar looked up at it, his computer was still on, and open to Discord. From what he could see, he had a ton of new messages. There was a box under his bed that he could get to. After he had pushed the box into place, Gar climbed on top of it and onto the chair. Jumping up onto the desk, Gar saw that the messages were from the group chat with Pat, Jp and Wade. They weren't like any other messages though, Pat's were jumbled, and had random letters and numbers in, and Jp's were all in caps lock for some reason. He batted at his mouse with a front paw, and opened the reply box. He stepped forward to look at the keyboard. Gar pressed a key with his paw, but the letter repeated over and over again. He hurriedly raised his paw, and looked at the screen. The others had realized he was online now, so he had no time to worry about it repeating. He continued to type out the reply with the letters repeated, and when he was finished, he hit send and sat down in front of the keyboard to wait. 


Wade woke up late the next morning. As he sat up, he felt a wave of dizziness come over him, and he was still for a second, to work things out. He must have come down with something overnight. He picked up his phone which was next to him, and as he lifted it, he saw his reflection in the black screen. Wade jumped and dropped his phone. He looked at his skinny arms and legs, trying to take in what was happening. His computer caught his eye, and he could see that he had some new messages in discord. He hopped off of the bed and climbed onto the chair easily, standing up. He read through them as best he could, wondering why they were so jumbled and strange. The others were having a conversation in their weird text speak, sounding quite panicked. They must be having the same problem as he was. Wade easily used the keyboard, with his hands seeming pretty normal despite everything. The other three realized he was online, and the conversation began. 

Via Discord chat (I am so sorry for the bad typing, I wrote a translation next to the hard to understand ones.)

Wade: What on earth is going on guys?

Pat: Wsade! Fionally yourt onlione! Aboiut tiume. (Wade! Finally you're online! About time.)

Gar: Yyyyeeeeaaahhh wwwwhhhaaattt ttthhheee hheeelll iiss gooiiinngg oonn??? (Yeah, what the hell is going on?)


Wade: Ok guys, why are you typing so weirdly? I can't understand anything you're saying.


Gar: iiii hhhhhaaaavvvveee ppppaaaaawwwsss (I have paws)

Pat: Iy harve nop handfs antd i amj trynhg toi typie witdh a penncul int muy moyth! (I have no hands and I'm trying to type with a pencil in my mouth!)

Wade: So it did happen to you guys then...

Gar: yyyyyyeeeeaaaahhhh (Yeah)

Pat: iyt haoppende tou mr topo. itls scawrinfg mte.... (It happened to me too. It's scaring me...)

Jp: WHAT ARE WE???? 

Wade: This is a dream right...just a nightmare.


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Gar: oooooohhhhhh ggggrrrrreeeeeaaattt,,,,,nnnnnoooowwww Jjjjppppsss gggooonnneee (Oh great, now Jp's gone too) 

Pat: Whast itf hels riyght whust iof wer retlly atr Pokeytmoyn? (What if he's right, what if we really are Pokemon?)

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Wade: I think we have to admit it Gar! Say it! We are Pokemon!

Lordminion777 has left the chat

Gar: wwwweeee aaaarrrreee ppppooookkkkeeemmmoooonnn! (We are pokemon!)

Garuku has left the chat

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