Chapter 20

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You get off the bumper cars and Zayn says he'll go get you both an elephant ear. Well so far he got one thing right. You loved elephant ears. When you and Zayn were younger you used to come to the carnival all the time and split an elephant ear. It was pretty much a tradition. You took those couple minutes to text Louis quickly. Even though you had a small banter, your fights never lasted long. He was probably over it anyways. You pull out your phone and sure enough he was over it. He sent you three texts. "Rae I'm sorry I overreacted." "I don't think Zayn is using you." "Are you still mad at me?" you text him back "It's okay (: and no I'm not still mad. I think you were right. Just completely got friendzoned I think :/" He replied quickly. "I'm sorry I know the feeling." What? What did he mean he knew the feeling. You send him "? :/" You look up and see Zayn's next in line. He flashes you a smile that makes your insides flutter and you return it. "Never mind babe. Movie night after the carnival to cheer you up? I can be over at like 9?" "Sounds great (:" you send just before Zayn comes back over with your elephant ear.

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